Kharif Campaign 2016 Group No. 8 on Reducing Post Harvest Losses and Augmenting the Production Towards Cold Chain Presented by: Dr. S. K. Malhotra Agriculture & Horticulture Commissioner
Source: CIPHET (2015) Post Harvest Losses 2 CommoditiesLosses (%) Fruits6.70 to Vegetables4.58 to Type of Infrastructure Total Requirement (A) All India Existing (B) All India Gap (A-B) Modern Pack-house70080 units249 units69831 units Cold Storage (Bulk) MT MT MT Cold Storage (Hub) MT Reefer Transport61826 units9000 units52826 units Ripening Chamber9131 units812 units8319 units Source: NCCD-NABCONS
Reasons for Losses specific to Perishables Cold chain in India presently available for milk, meat and (pharmaceuticals). Existing surface cold storage capacity is inadequate (only 11% of production). Surface cold storage is largely dedicated to potato (75.4% of available cold stores). Low availability of multi-commodity cold stores (23.1% of cold stores). Non-availability of refrigerated transport from point of harvest to point of sale. The gap is large in case of pre-cooling, pack-houses, transport connectivity and ripening chambers.
Way Forward 4 Addition of 7.5 MMT of storage/cold chain capacity in next 5 years ; additional funds needed SHMs are directed to allocate at least 25% of total annual funds for PHM Mega cold chain projects near ports, LNG terminals, and other bulk cargo points in PPP mode under viability gap funding (VGF). FPOs, FIGs, SHGs, etc falling under the catchment zone of Mega Food Parks and cold chain projects be made aware of - encouraged to use these facilities. Promotion of alternate sources of energy like solar thermal Higher synergy with MOFPI and other related agencies More number of trainings and exposure are required to promote the PHM Needs research on Irradiation technology with CA Cold storages for Onion. Mushroom storage protocol required to be developed Development Packing standards
Cold Chain Model Farmers GroupSelf Help GroupIndividual Field Collection Centres PCC Pre Cooling Centre COLD STORAGE FRESH PRODUCTS Domestic Retail Refrigerated Transport Export PROCESSING AND VALUE ADDITION Export Domestic Retail PPP Mode
by Capt. Pawanexh Kohli Use both Routes to markets 6
2081 storage structures created (Maharshtra, Rajashthan, Karnataka, MP = 80%)