8 th Grade Scheduling Information Transitioning into Westfall High School
Ohio Graduation Requirements English4 credits Mathematics4 credits Science3 credits Social Studies3 credits Fine Arts1 credit Health½ credit PE½ credit OR PE Opt. Out. Electives5 credits TOTAL21 credits for Graduation
Credits In order to pass a one credit course for the year you must receive a total of 4 points, 2 of which must be earned in the second semester. One of those points must be earned in the 4 th nine weeks. – A=4 points, B=3 points, C=2 points, & D=1 point In order to pass a ½ credit semester course you must receive a total of 2 points.
What your schedule may look like English 9, CP 9 or CP 9 plus Based on 8 th grade teacher recommendation Math-Algebra 1, Algebra 1 plus, Alg 2, Algebra 2 Plus, or Accelerated Algebra 2. Based on 8 th grade teacher recommendation Science-Physical Science or AG Physical Science(FFA Physical Science) World History Fine Arts-Art, Choir, or Band PE-In class (2 semesters) OR PE opt out (2 completed athletic seasons,marching band included). NO MIX AND MATCH Electives-Foreign Languages (Spanish or French), Computer classes, Intro to Speech, Art, Choir, Band, Music Theory I, and Bach to Rock. STUDENTS MAY HAVE NO MORE THAN 2 STUDY HALLS AND MR. DENNIS SAYS REALLY ONLY 1….
Mrs. Brown 1.General Art 2.Physical Education 3.Concert choir 4.Study Hall 5.Physical Science 6.World History 7.English 9 8.Algebra I
Next Generation Assessments English 9Need 4 English points English 10 Algebra I Need 4 Math points Geometry BiologyNeed 6 Sci/SS points American History American Government
How the Points Work 5=Advanced 4=Accelerated 3=Proficient 2=Basic 1=Limited Students must earn 18 points as the minimum for graduation eligibility. Of those points, students must earn a minimum of four total points across the English end-of-course exams, four total points across the math exams, and six total points across the science and social studies exams.
Alternative Testing Pathways Industry credentials and workforce readiness Students earn 12 points through a State Board of Education-approved industry-recognized credential or group of credentials in a single career field and achieve a workforce readiness score on the WorkKeys test. The state of Ohio will pay one time for those who take the WorkKeys test. Students in the classes of 2018 and 2019 must earn a total of 13 points across the three WorkKeys sections; students in the class of 2020 and beyond must earn a total of 14 points. Students must also earn at least three points on each section of the test. Students who take a Dual Enrollment or College Credit Plus courses will receive the following crosswalk in lieu of taking the Next Generation Assessments in the areas of Physical Science, American History, and/or American Government. ALL students will test in the areas or English I and II, Algebra I, and Geometry. CCP GradeOhio Graduation Points A or B5 C4 D3
College admission test Students can earn “remediation-free” scores in English language arts and mathematics on a nationally recognized college admissions test. Readiness AreaACTSATAccuplacerCOMPASS English Sub Score 18 or higherWriting 430 or higher Critical Reading 450 or higher Sentence Skills 88 or >5 on Writeplacer This assessment is not recommended Reading Sub Score 21 or higher450 or higher80 Math Sub Score22 or higher520 or higher108EA or 69CLM
Absences/Tardies 5 unexcused absences will result in Truancy Court Intervention. Truancy Court will be held at Westfall High School under Pickaway County Juvenile Judge Jan Michael Long. Absences and Tardies are included on all students transcripts for each school year. These absences and tardies are visible to all colleges, military, and future employers.
Semester and End of Year EXAMS “OH NO!”
Honors Diploma Earn 4 units of English Earn at least 4 units of mathematics which shall include Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and other higher level course, or a 4 year sequence of courses which contains equivalent content. Earn at least 4 units of science including 1 unit of Physics and 1 unit of Chemistry. Earn 4 units of Social Studies. Earn 3 units of world languages (must include no less than 2 units for which credit is sought) i.e. 3 units of one world language or 2 units of two different languages. Earn 1 unit of fine art Maintain an overall high school GPA of at least 3.5 on a four-point scale up to the last grading period of the senior year; OR Obtain a composite score of 27 on the ACT (excluding the optional writing test) or a combined score of 1210 on the SAT (excluding the required writing section).
Early Graduation Early graduation is available for high school students provided they follow all the requirements established for this purpose. Please contact Mrs. Brown for specific information.
Pickaway-Ross High school students attend Pickaway-Ross their junior and senior years, and can earn a Career Passport in addition to a diploma from their home schools. Pickaway Ross’s secondary education programs provide complete academic, career and technology training to give students a foot up on the economic ladder. 80 percent of PRCC graduates enter the local workforce. Students must attain all core credits, PE, and Fine Arts credits for admission.
College Credit Plus Intent to Participate forms are due February 1, 2017 Students must meet certain eligibility requirements. Parents and students who plan to participate are required to meet with the high school counselor to discuss the program. CCP information is available on the high school guidance page and guidance office.
FFA All agricultural education students MUST become FFA members. This is no longer optional. All first year agricultural students will enroll in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. This class meets the Physical Science requirement.
Career-Based Intervention Program Chance to earn $$ while at school Must be 9/10 grade At-risk ( financially, academically, or socially) It is two class periods One is CBI Related- content/includes classwork The other is the Lab- the work component.
Technology Courses Information Technology Digital Graphics Technology courses feed directly into Pickaway Ross’s technology programs.
Westfall Chorale Concert Choir Swing Choir Symphonic Choir Instrumental Music Jazz Band Flag Corps Jazz Structures and Styles From Bach to Rock Music Theory I and II
NCAA NCAA Eligibility Center Divisions I and II Initial-Eligibility Requirements Core Courses · NCAA Division I requires 16 core courses. NCAA Division II currently requires 14 core courses. Division II will require 16 core courses for students enrolling on or after August 1, See the charts below. · NCAA Division I will require 10 core courses to be completed prior to the seventh semester (seven of the 10 must be a combination of English, math or natural or physical science that meet the distribution requirements below). These 10 courses become "locked in" at the seventh semester and cannot be retaken for grade improvement. o Beginning August 1,2016, it will be possible for a Division I college-bound student-athlete to still receive athletics aid and the ability to practice with the team if he or she f ails to meet the 10 course requirement, but would not be able to compete. Test Scores · Division I uses a sliding scale to match test scores and core grade-point averages (GPA). The sliding scale for those requirements is shown on Page NO.2 of this sheet. · Division II requires a minimum SAT score of 820 or an ACT sum score of 68. · The SAT score used for NCAA purposes includes only the critical reading and math sections. The writing section of the SAT is not used. · The ACT score used for NCAA purposes is a ~ of the following four sections: English, mathematics, reading and science. · When you register for the SAT or Act, use the NCAA Eligibility Center code of 9999 to ensure an SAT and Act scores are reported directly to the NCAA Eligibility Center from the testing agency. Test scores that appear on transcripts will not be used. Grade-Point Average · Be sure to look at your high school's List of NCAA Courses on the NCAA Eligibility Center's website ( Only courses that appear on your school’s List of NCAA Courses will be used in thewww.eligibilitycenter.org calculation of the core GPA Use the list as a guide. · Division I students enrolling full time before August 1, 2016, should use Sliding Scale A to determine eligibility to receive athletics aid, practice and competition during the first year. · Division I GPA required to receive athletics aid and practice on or after August 1, 2016, is (corresponding test-score requirements are listed on Sliding Scale B on Page NO.2 of this sheet). · Division I GPA required to be eligible for competition on or after August 1,2016, is (corresponding test-score requirements are listed on Sliding Scale B on Page NO.2 of this sheet). · The Division II core GPA requirement is a minimum of · Remember, the NCAA GPA is calculated using NCAA core courses only.
NCAA Website
Athletic Eligibility Students must be enrolled. Students must have passed 5, one credit courses or the equivalent. Students cannot have more than one F. Students must have a GPA of 1.33 Eligibility or ineligibility continues until the start of the 5 th day of the next grading period. Athletes should not drop a class or change their schedule without checking with the athletic director.
Freshman “TO DO” List _____Make grades and attendance a priority! Colleges, military, and employers look at transcripts _____Credits and points. How does it work? _____Transcript. What is it? How do I read it? Why does it matter? _____Honors Diploma. What is it? Why do I need it? _____Choices. What choices do I have right now? _____Ohio Graduation Requirements. _____Pickaway Ross Career and Technology Center. Benefits for me? _____NCAA. What is it? Why and how could it affect me? _____College. Do I have an idea right now?
Conclusion Please field all questions to Mrs. Brown or Mr. Rediger