PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO: Culpeper Football Association, Inc. ATTN: Chris Settle, CFA Sponsor Committee P. O. Box Culpeper, Virginia ____ YES, we would like to support the Culpeper Football Association as a sponsor at the level indicated below: ____ $2,500 Division Sponsor Level ____ $500 Team Sponsor Level ____ $100 Scholarship Sponsor Level ____ In-Kind Sponsor Item or Services_____________________________________ Value $____________ Please provide the following information: ______________________________________________________________ Company Name Contact Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code _________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________ Company Name/Sponsor SignatureDate _________________________________________________________________ CFA Sponsorship Committee Chair SignatureDate Please make checks payable to: Culpeper Football Association, Inc. Culpeper Football Association, Inc., a non-profit organization, has begun work on its 12th season. CFA wants to offer Culpeper’s youth participants, as well as its sponsors, the best experience possible. We offer our sponsors a solid connection and working relationship with our organization. We hope this season will be a great success for everyone involved. CFA believes in providing Culpeper’s youth with affordable opportunities to participate on Football teams and Cheerleading squads. Founded in 2004, our league has matured and grown tremendously due to its sponsors and their commitment to Culpeper’s youth. We can continue this success with your sponsorship support. Since 2004, CFA has grown from approximately 250 children between the ages of five and thirteen, to a record high enrollment of over 750 youth participants. In 2007, CFA was recognized as Virginia’s largest organized youth football league totaling four Divisions of thirty football teams, and ten cheerleading teams. Through the parents, grandparents, volunteers, sponsors, and participants, CFA plays a part in the lives of many in our community. As you may know, youth sports programs are very important to the growth and development of our children. CFA’s goal is to promote and develop unity, sportsmanship, and enthusiasm, while providing the safest equipment available. We keep our registration fees at a minimum so families do not have to face a large financial burden for their children to participate. CFA has never turned a child away because of financial shortfalls. CFA anticipates that 2015 will have an even greater participation than last season. We hope you will join our team to provide our community with a quality youth league. Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated.
*IN-KIND SPONSOR (No minimum gift) Invitation to attend all CFA Major Events and Games Value of goods or services will determine the level of sponsorship benefits “Thank You” Advertisement in local newspaper at end of season $100 SCHOLARSHIP SPONSOR LEVEL Providing Financial Assistance for a Child in Need of Services. Recognition on CFA Official Website Recognition in League Informational Pamphlet Invitation to attend all CFA Major Events and Games “Thank You” Advertisement in local newspaper at end of season $500 TEAM SPONSOR LEVEL Approved Marketing Events at CFA Activities or Game Days Team Named After Your Business Name Recognition on CFA Official Website Invitation to attend all CFA Major Events & Games Recognition by announcement and in print at Opening Day festivities and Championship Games Company information signage at every game, Opening Day festivities, and Championship Games Company Name on every Team Picture Company receives Team Photo Plaque for permanent display at place of business Business Name Placed on Team Trophies “Thank You” Advertisement in local newspaper at end of season 2015 SPONSOR PACKAGES CFA SPONSOR BENEFITS $2,500 DIVISION SPONSOR LEVEL Flexible Payment Options Recognition on CFA Official Website with a Large Scrolling Banner on Homepage Marketing Plan for your Business at CFA Events. Company Information of a Large 5 feet by 3 feet Pole Banner placed at the Sports Complex Parking Lot. Recognition by announcement and in print at Opening Day festivities and Championship Games Company Information on a banner at every game, Opening Day festivities, and Championship Games Company retains Championship Trophy for display at place of business for six months (except Anklebiter Division) Full page “Thank You” Advertisement in local newspaper at end of season