Quick Fix Activity 1.Answer my poll question: “I generally find these sessions as: (A) Super helpful (B) A solid use of my time (C) 1.5 hours of sneaky planning time (D) The bane of my existence by sending the appropriate code to End 2. Answer my poll question: “My Chemistry LTL could be the most helpful to me by…” by sending your message: _____________ to 37607
Who I Am Activity This is a silent, no talking activity with a twist. Your task is to draw yourself as a food, and why it explains who you are. (2 min 30 sec) Do something only you would come up with – that none of your friends or family would think of.
Paper Airplanes Make a paper airplane and on the inside of the left wing write something you’re especially good at. On the right wing, right something you consistently struggle with.
Get Your Share On Throw your paper airplane and all paper airplanes found on the ground around you until the timer runs out.
Common Core: What’s on our plate: We need to engage in lessons that involved deep analysis of text using text-dependent questions. Today’s Session Objectives: Participate in a Common Core Assessment as a learner to identify challenges and next-steps to guide our instruction. Create Unit 1 & 2 materials supporting Common Core State Standards and share best practices.
Directions: 1.Use the graphic organizer provided to collect evidence and organize your thoughts. 1.We will look at multiple sources: – A clip from a TED Talk (10 minutes) – Article (5 minutes)
Assessment Directions: 1.Use the graphic organizer to help you answer the prompt. 2.In your argument, make sure to use evidence from multiple sources (video & article). You will have 10 minutes to respond.
Think-Pair-Share Debrief: What are some challenges students might face with Common Core assessments? What are some suggestions for addressing those challenges?
This Common Core Assessment focused on… 1. Reading, writing, and speaking by analyzing evidence from multiple sources (text, video, figures). 1. Providing regular practice with complex, content-rich materials.
Brain Sharing: Resource Exchange Google Drive: LTP, Vision, Units 0,1, and 2 Template TFA LA Wikispace: Collaborative Curriculum Hub GitHub Model: Edit, Improve, Refine, Revise Lesson of the Month: Showcase your Skills!
Resource Exchange: Eat It Up
How Do We Use It?
Let Your Creative Juices Flow Sharing ideas and best practices facilitates improvement. When you produce or refine high quality lessons, share them with the group and they will be highlighted! To get involved, fill in the following google spreadsheet: GTu9dFhBX1l5czZTUUhZUGlvMk9jeFJXX2c&usp=sharing GTu9dFhBX1l5czZTUUhZUGlvMk9jeFJXX2c&usp=sharing
Work Time You have the remainder of the time to work on modifying your Unit 0, 1, and 2 lessons, aligning them to common core principles. Please use this time to network with your peers and talented teammates!
Closing Time If you need anything from me, don’t hesitate to get in contact: (818) or at