We will now learn the Harvard format for referencing: – Books – Journals – Newspapers/magazines – Online newspapers – Websites – Online Images 07/06/20161Business Communication (BUS-100) Harvard Referencing
Book (1 author) 1. Author - Surname, Initials 2. (Year of publication) 3. Book Title. or Book Title. or book title. 4. Edition. – if not the first 5. Place of Publication, 5. Publisher. 07/06/20162Business Communication (BUS-100) Book referencing
Book (1 author) 1. Neville, C. 2. (2007) 3. The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism 4. Maidenhead, 5. Open University Press. 07/06/20163Business Communication (BUS-100) Book reference format
Putting it together Neville, C. (2007) The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism. Maidenhead, Open University Press. 07/06/20164Business Communication (BUS-100) Book referencing
Remember, ask the questions: Who wrote it? When was it published? What is it called? Where was it published? Who published it? 07/06/20165Business Communication (BUS-100) Book referencing
Boddy, D. (2000) Implementing Cooperative Strategy. Oxford, The University Press. 07/06/20166Business Communication (BUS-100) Book Referencing
Journal (1 author) 1. Author - Surname, Initials 2. (Year of publication) 3. Article Title. 4. Journal Title. or Journal Title. or Journal Title. 5. Volume 5. (issue) Month, 7. Page number. 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)7 Journals
Putting it together Bennett, M., and James, S. (2001) Through the glass ceiling: women’s experience of modern workplace practices. Journal of Gender in Business, 5 (3) June, pp /06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)8 Journals
1. Author – if not given use title 2. (Year) 3. Article title. 4. Newspaper Title, or Newspaper Title, or Newspaper Title, 5. Date, page number(s). 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)9 Newspapers
Putting it all together Hawkes, N. (2008) Brittle bone drug can stop disease taking hold. The Times, 11 June, p.3. 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)10 Newspapers
1. Author/editor 2. (Year) 3. Article title. 4. Newspaper Title, or Newspaper Title, or Newspaper Title, 5. [internet], 6. Month, page numbers. 7. Available from: [Accessed Day Month Year] 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)11 Online Newspapers
Putting it together Elliott, L. (2008) Economic slowdown and tax breaks put the government in the red. Guardian [Internet], 20 November. Available from: [Accessed 19 November 2007]. 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)12 Online Newspapers
1. Author/editor 2. (Year) – ‘n.d.’ for not dated 3. Title, or Title, or Title, 4. [internet], 5. Edition. 6. Place of publication, 7. Publisher. - if identifiable 8. Available from: [Accessed Day Month Year] 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)13 Web Pages
Putting it together Leeds Metropolitan University (2006) Policy, framework principles and procedures for research ethics [Internet], Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University. Available from: [Accessed 20th October 2008]. 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)14 Web Pages
1. Title of image, or a description – underlined, or bold, or in italics and followed by a full stop 2. (Year) 3. [Online image]. or [Online video]. 4. Available from: [Accessed Day Month Year] 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)15 Online Images
Putting it together Antarctic warming claims another ice shelf. (2008) [Online image]. Available from: [Accessed 24 June 2008]. 07/06/2016Business Communication (BUS-100)16 Online Images
Remember, ask the questions: Who wrote it? What is it called? When was it published? Where was it published? Who published it? 07/06/201617Business Communication (BUS-100) For ANY source…