Is Awesome I think my family is awesome. There always fun. One thing I don’t like is I'm the baby. My dad works for a paint company. My mom is a very good painter. That’s all you need to know
Hobbies and interests I play Minecraft all of the time. THE BEST GAME EVER. I love halo 4 its so fun I also play soccer. All my friends say I have a good leg
Minecraft I LOVE MINECRAFT Minecraft is awesome for lots. It’s a game of imagination and building(if you cant tell by the background)
Halo Halo is very fun. It’s a shooting game like call of duty but better. It’s a very futuristic game.
School I go to cms (obviously) My favorite class is technology. My least favorite is homeroom
My future I want live in St. John(look it up) when I grow up I want to be in the military.
QUIZ What are my 2 favorite games? Halo and Minecraft What is my favorite teacher? Mrs.Herbert What is my name? John Robinson