How do I reference my sources? What does this mean? Why reference? It shows that you have gathered a range of information, considered it, added your own thoughts and presented it It allows other people to follow up your sources It stops you plagiarising! Harvard (author/date) – variations within – just be consistent
Harvard system (book) What to include (in order): Author / editor (surname, initial) Year of publication (in round brackets) Title (in italics) Edition (not first) Place of publication: Publisher Find this information on the title page and the back of the title page Two parts to referencing – in-text citation and reference list/ bibliography
Referencing a book In your essay (in-text citation) it would look like this: According to Bell (2010) the most important part of the research process is.. Look at the writing style – should flow naturally In your (alphabetical) reference list, a book would look like this: Bell, J. (2010) Doing your research project. 5 th ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Harvard system (periodical) What to include ( in order): Author surname followed by initials Year of publication (in round brackets) Title of article Title of journal (in italics, capitalise first letter of main words) Volume (issue number) 33(2) Page(s) pp Find the information on the cover or inside page(s)
Referencing a periodical In-text citation: …the customer playing the part of a partial employee (Dawes and Rowley, 1998, p.352). Reference list: Dawes, J. and Rowley, J. (1998) Enhancing the customer experience: contributions from information management technology. Management Decision, 36(5), pp
Harvard system (website) Author – year (published /updated) – title of internet site (italics) – Available at: URL – (Accessed: date) In-text citation: Yau (2001) provided information about the Chinese community Reference list: Yau, T. (2001) Dragon project. Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2010). (Find the information on the homepage?)
Glossary Citation = the reference in your text giving brief details of the source you are referring to. The source can then be located in the reference list. Reference list = an alphabetical list of all the sources you have referred to in your text Bibliography = sometimes you are asked to give this in addition to a reference list. It lists all the works you consulted (but may not have referred to in your work). Pears and Shields (2010, pp )