Aerodynamics and Wind Energy Profile 2: Wind Energy 23 March, 2016Wim Bierbooms
1.Wind Energy Research Group 2.Main R&D topics 3.Profile courses 4.Graduation projects 5.Career prospects MSc Aerospace Engineering Track: Aerodynamics and Wind Energy Profile: Wind Energy
1. Wind Energy Research Group
Wind Energy Research Group - People Prof. dr. G.J.W. van Bussel (Gerard) Dr.-Ing. R. Schmehl (Roland) C.J. Simao Ferreira (Carlos) Dr. ir. W.A.A.M Bierbooms (Wim) Profile coordinator S.M. Willems (Sylvia) Executive secretary
Wind Energy Research Group - People Other staff members
Wind Energy Research Group - People … and PhD students
2. Main R&D questions
Why wind energy… Sustainable source of energy Large share in electricity production is feasible … Mean challenge: reduce costs from 0.16 €/kWh to 0.12 €/kWh (offshore) Innovative designs needed
Main R&D topics I Wind Energy Research Group Rotor aerodynamics Open Jet Facility (OJF) Design and analysis tools
Main R&D topics II Wind Energy Research Group Offshore wind farm design Design methodologies / wind farm optimisation Reduction of loads Increase availability (reduce O&M) ‘smart rotor blade’
Main R&D topics III Wind Energy Research Group Wind conditions
Main R&D topics IV Wind Energy Research Group Airborne Wind Energy Modelling & simulation (quasi-steady & dynamic) Performance optimisation Reliable & robust operation (generator & flight control) Automatic launching & landing
Main R&D topics V Wind Energy Research Group Aeroacoustics Trailing-edge noise… passive noise mitigation strategies Bio-inspired noise reduction mechanisms Credit: D. Ragni DU96W180 airfoil in the low turbulence tunnel of TU Delft Credit: D. Ragni, C. Arce León Localization of wind turbine noise source Credit: C. Arce León
3. Profile courses
Profile courses Airborne Wind Energy AE4T4031/2 Wind Turbine Design AE4W0953/4 Site Conditions for WT DesignAE4W1333/4 Aeroelasticity AE4ASM50633 Wind Turbine Aeroelasticity AE4W Introduction to Wind Energy AE3W02TU41/2 Course code ECTS period
4. Graduation projects
Thesis topics Wind Energy Research Group Numerical modelling of fluid ‐ structure interactions for wind turbine blades Development of scaling methods for broadband turbulent noise in internal flow devices by means of experiments and CFD The stability of the vortex wake of a horizontal axis wind turbine rotor in ground effect Wind tunnel wall corrections for the Open Jet Facility Validation study of OpenFOAM code for 3D CFD simulation of NREL stall-regulated wind turbine rotor … See our website:
When should you choose the wind energy profile? In case you are good in: aerodynamics mathematics structural analysis design programming reporting … In case you like to combine: a challenging thesis topic and contribution to one of the basic needs of society AE1110-I
Recent thesis topics I Multiple-Wake Vortex Lattice Method
Recent thesis topics II Combining uncertainties on the energy yield
Recent thesis topics III Root spoilers
Analysis of wind gusts Recent thesis topics IV
Thesis project proposals (+finished) Have a look at our websites (tab Education) Contact Wim Bierbooms Room 5.21
Thesis projects at a company ECN Ecofys Vestas Siemens Actiflow Ampyx Power Enevate TwingTec EnerKíte Google / Makani Power …
5. Career prospects
Career possibilities PhD position In the framework of EU or national projects Research institutes/consultancies ECN, Ecofys … Industry Vestas, Siemens, Darwind, Ampyx Power, Enevate, Google, …
“Wind at work” Required: about 2500 academics / year EWEA (European Wind Energy Association)
Drinks with the staff, Phd and MSc students 17: :00 Restaurant Differences with EWEM Daniel Baldacchino Gert Cool