Wind energy
Contents Definition of wind energy. advantage and disadvantage. How does wind energy work. Conclusion References
Definition of wind energy What is wind energy? The terms "wind energy" or "wind power" describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity to power homes, businesses, schools, and the like.
how does it work
How does wind energy work. The diagram below shows a simplified version how a wind turbine converts the kinetic energy in the wind to electrical energy around the country. The wind blows on the blades and makes them turn. The blades turns a shaft inside the nacelle (the box at the top of the turbine) The shaft goes into a gearbox which increases the rotation speed enough . The generator, which uses magnetic fields to convert the rotational energy into electrical energy. These are similar to those found in normal power stations. The power output goes to a transformer, which converts the electricity coming out of the generator at around 700 Volts (V) to the right voltage for distribution system, typically 33,000 V.
some pictures of wind energy on deferent place .
The deference between wind Energy and Factories.
Advantage of wind energy One of the greatest advantages of Wind Energy is that it is ample. Secondly, wind energy is renewable. Some other advantages of Wind Energy are that it is widely distributed, cheap, and also reducing toxic gas emissions. Wind Energy is also advantageous over traditional methods of creating energy, in the sense that it is getting cheaper and cheaper to produce wind energy. Wind Energy may soon be the cheapest way to produce energy on a large scale.
More advantages Also, wind energy generates no pollution. Wind Energy is also a more permanent type of energy. The wind will exist till the time the sun exists, which is roughly another four billion years. Theoretically, if all the wind power available to humankind is harnessed, there can be ten times of energy we use, readily available. One other advantage of wind energy that it is readily available around the globe, and therefore there would be no need of dependence for energy for any country. Wind energy may be the answer to the globe's question of energy in the face of the rising petroleum and gas prices.
disadvantages there are some disadvantages for wind energy, which may put a dampener in its popularity. Though the costs of creating wind energy is going down, even today a large number of turbines have to be built to generate a proper amount of wind energy. Though wind power is non-polluting, the turbines may create a lot of noise, which indirectly contributes to noise pollution.
Conclusion Finally, I want to say the advantages of wind energy are more than the disadvantages so my opinion that wind energy which has many benefits, such as it is less expensive than factories, less space, are easily available all over the world and non-polluting to the environment. So wind energy is also more useful than traditional methods to create energy. Meaning that it is getting cheaper and cheaper to produce wind energy.
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