Big Oil: Exploring the Alternatives By: Teresa Potter, OKAGE Teacher Consultant
How much oil do we consume?
Why Alternative Energy? Biomass Energy Wind Energy Geothermal Energy Hydroelectric Energy Solar Energy
Biomass Energy
Solar Energy ,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGH8HX6awM6YAHWwIgeUPrXbg-j- w&ust=
Hydroelectric Energy
Geothermal Energy
Wind Energy
Who Does It Better?
Oklahoma is 181,195 km 2
Oklahoma Wind Potential
Ireland Wind Potential Ireland is one of the best wind resources in the world as a result of its geographical positioning, terrain, and climate. There is higher potential in the gustier winter months.
Ireland-1992 Oklahoma-2003 Who built the first commercial wind farm?
To date, who has a greater number of wind farms? Ireland has 188 wind farms. Oklahoma has only 27 wind farms.
Wind Farms in Ireland
Oklahoma Wind Farm Map map of Oklahoma's wind farms
Who has the highest installed wind energy capacity? Manufacturers measure the maximum, or rated, capacity of their wind turbines to produce electric power in megawatts (MW). One MW is equivalent to one million watts.
Wind Energy Capacity Ireland 2,230 MWOK 3,932 MW
Who has the highest percentage of electricity powered by wind? Ireland 30% OK 16.87% alternative-energy-sources-wind-power
Who has the most homes that are powered by wind energy? Ireland=1,966,250 OK=1,100,000
Highest potential CO 2 Reductions? Ireland 3,110,487 metric tons Oklahoma 6,900,000 metric tons
Wind Energy Ranking IrelandOklahoma
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Bibliography Olsen, Dr. Randal S. Disqus. “Where Does the U.S. Get Its Oil From?” August 28, gets-its-oil-from/. Irish Wind Energy Association. “Wind Statistics.” American Wind Energy Association. Oklahoma Wind Energy.