Natural Gas By: Stephanie Bassett and Selene Doudera
Introduction There are many different types of energy sources that us humans use in our everyday lives. In this presentation, we will be talking about Natural Gas and how it helps us in our everyday lives. Natural Gas is a very useful and is a harmless energy source that many people use today.
What does Natural gas do? Natural gas is a fossil fuel and its energy is used for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. It is a chemical that helps the manufacturing of plastic and it provides fuel for vehicles like a car.
What Does a Natural Gas consist of? Hydrocarbon- made up of compounds of hydrogen and carbon. Natural gas always consists of Methane (Hydrocarbon) and sometimes consists of other Hydrocarbons. Ethane Propane Butane Carbon dioxide Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Methane has 4 hydrogen atoms and 1 Carbon atom.
Dry Natural Gas vs. Wet Natural gas Dry natural gas- Used for heating systems and cooling systems. Dry gas is mostly methane (the higher the methane concentration is within the gas, the more dry the gas is). Wet natural gas- Less than 85% of methane and has a higher percentage of liquid natural gases such as ethane and butane.
How Natural gas helps Extremely important source of energy for reducing pollution and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. This is the cleanest fossil fuel compared to nuclear power plants’. Nuclear power plants- Not safe to the environment because it spreads chemicals through the air. There are less chemicals included than other fossil fuels like a power plant. Power plants are not healthy for the environment and this can lead to air pollution.
Physical characteristics of Natural Gas -Colorless -Tasteless -Odorless (utility companies add the smell of rotten eggs so that a gas leak will not occur). -Non toxic gas Tasteless and colorless
How Is Natural Gas Formed Millions of years ago, the leftovers of plants and animals decayed and built up into layers, mixed with sand and silt. Over the years, the layers were buried under sand, silt, and rock. Pressure and heat changed this organic material into coal, some into oil, and some into natural gas. In some places, the natural gas moved into large spaces between layers of overlying rock.
Natural gas is a major energy source for the United States The United States used about 26.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in
Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages: ●Non-toxic, reduces pollution (harmless) ●Useful and used in everyday lives for heat and cooking ●This is the cleanest fossil fuel compared to nuclear power plants fossil fuels.Power plants are not healthy for the environment and this can lead to air pollution. Disadvantages: ●Odorless but utility companies add the smell of rotten eggs so that a gas leak will not occur. ●Releases greenhouse gases. ●Is not renewable. Ewww Rotten Eggs?!
Natural Gas Fun Facts: In 200 B.C., people in China made salt using natural gas. Natural gas is lighter than air. When natural gas is cooled to 260 degrees fahrenheit below zero, it changes from a gas to a liquid.
The End!!!!!
Works Cited: Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 29 Apr "This Month In Radiology." Radiology RY (2013): n. pag. Web. "Natural Gas." EIA Energy Kids -. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr "Nuclear Energy." Greenpeace USA Nuclear Energy Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr Eminem images photoshopped by Selene