Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information 502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information
The Dietary Guidelines O “……….. translates the current body of nutrition science into sound food-based guidance for ages 2 and older to promote health and help prevent disease”. 502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information
Are developed jointly between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Are revised every five years to reflect the most current scientific information. Beginning with the 2005 edition, contain more technical information, making it oriented more toward policymakers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators, and nutritionists than the general public. Ultimate purpose is to improve the health of all Americans, two years of age and older. Contain strategies that give consideration to one’s food preferences, cultural traditions, and diversity of customs. 502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information The Dietary Guidelines
Top 10 Things You Should Know 1. A life time of healthy eating prevents chronic diseases such as: a. Obesity b. Heart disease c. High blood pressure d. Type 2 diabetes 2. The Dietary Guidelines help you make informed decisions 502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information
Top 10 Cont. 3. A healthy eating pattern is a combination of food and drinks you eat over time, adaptable to preference, culture and budget 4. Healthy eating patterns include: a. A variety of vegetables-dark green, red & orange, legumes b. Fruits-especially whole c. Grains-at least half are whole d. Dairy-fat-free or reduced fat dairy, fortified soy e. Variety of protein-seafood, lean meat, poultry, eggs, legumes, nuts f. Oils from plants 502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information
5. Healthy eating patterns reduce sugar-less than 10% of daily calories 6. Healthy eating patterns limits saturated and trans fats 7. Healthy eating patterns limit salt 8. Small shifts in food choices 9. Regular physical activity 10. Everyone has a role: a. Home b. School c. Workplace d. Food retailers 502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information Top 10 Cont.
502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information
References es es 3. digital-press-kit/2016/01/top-10-things- you-need-to-know/ digital-press-kit/2016/01/top-10-things- you-need-to-know/ 502 D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information