Buckshaw Retirement Village: Working in partnership with Lancashire County Council and its citizens
Shared visionCustomer focusedShow me the Money
Development overview
Shared vision Award winning environment & people Outcome focused Regional hub Customers at the centre Continual improvement & evaluation Affordability Good enough for mum or dad?
Customer focused Person centred Couples Families and carers Training Flexibility of service Co-ordination of resources Internal MDT philosophy Eligibility criteria Wellbeing Holistic approach 20% health improvement Integral link to GP services & care plans
Health & lifestyle assessment tool Blood Pressure Blood Sugar Blood Cholesterol Waist Measurements Urine Testing Lifestyle Factors BMI Breathing Hearth/ Circulation Bladder/ Bowel Diet Mobility Hearing/ Sight Skin Fitness Spiritual/ Psychological Sleep Individuals will be scored based on 10 key indicators 10No major health problems 5Infrequent medical reviews 0 Negative attitude towards their well-being Categories Osteoporosis Screening
Case study – A magic moment The success Increased strength and activity levels using resistance bands in chair based exercise classes Gained confidence & ability to stand up using hydrotherapy pool Adopted a healthy eating pattern Lost weight considerably Great local PR coverage “Sheila defies all the odds” Chorley Guardian - July 2010 “My life is unrecognisable” Mrs S “It has been a great pleasure working with such a strong and determined lady” Phil Hill, Village Director
Show me the money Diverse Client base Private Self Directed Support Re-enablement residential & outreach services Collaboration Brokerage services SDS team / Long-term conditions Benefits team / Specialist dementia /Dementia advisor project Inform & educate Key partners & stakeholders
The innovation point is the pivotal moment when talented and motivated people seek the opportunity to act on their ideas. Any questions?
Buckshaw Retirement Village: Working in partnership with Lancashire County Council and its citizens