Health Promotion and Physical Activity for Workers CSIT Congress Rio de Janeiro - October 7-8, 2011
The Future Workforce... Older With more long term conditions or ‘lifestyle’ conditions Caring for others Obese with diabetes and/or heart problems In the kind of jobs more likely to have an impact on psychological health Working in knowledge-intensive or service industries Source: „The future health of the workforce: 2009 to 2030“
Beyond legal mandates… 1.Health care cost containment 2.Enhanced employee morale & corporate image 3.Increased recruitment potential & retention 4.Reduced absenteeism 5.Increased productivity 6.Improved employee health status and quality of life Why Do Companies Invest in Worker Health?
WHO Healthy Workplace Framework
Essential WHP Components Individualized health risk profile (HRA) Health-promoting policies Behavior change programs with engagement strategies Organizational measures Evaluation > link to business indicators
7 Top Employer Objectives Driving Wellness Initiatives Africa/ Mid EastAsiaAustraliaCanadaEurope Latin America United States Improve productivity/presenteeism Improve morale/engagement Reduce employee absence Improve workplace safety Maintain work ability Further org. values/mission Attract and retain employees Promote corporate image/brand Reduce health care/ins. costs Social/community responsibility Comply with legislation Supplement gov't health care 12 Preliminary (pre-publication) results from 2010 Global Health Promotion Survey
8 Health Issues Driving Wellness Strategy
Top Wellness Program Elements AfricaAsiaCanadaEuropeLatin AmericaUnited States Biometric health screening Immunizations/ flu shots Gym/fitness club membership discount Immunizations/ flu shots Executive screening program On-site health classes Gym/fitness club membership discount Biometric health screening Health risk appraisal Health portal/ Web site Company- sponsored sports teams Executive screening program Immunizations/ flu shots On-site health classes Gym/fitness club membership discount Employee health fairs Executive screening program Health portal/ Web site Employee health fairs Health risk appraisal Employee health fairs Health risk appraisal On-site health classes Gym/fitness club membership discount Health portal/ Web site
Physical Activity: Individual Approach Personal health and fitness assessment Competitions / challenges Incentives Coaching (goal-setting)
Physical Activity: Organizational Approach Signs prompting staircase use lead to increase in physical activity Physical enhancement of staircase Walking Paths/Routes Fitness centers (in-house & external) Incorporate in leadership performance goals
Physical Activity: Team Approach Social events / Corporate outings Team challenges Common experiences in nature
Case Study: Daimler “Kraftwerk-Mobil” Mobil strength training unit to avoid back pain and disability (on the shop floor) During work time (only 5-10 minutes per session) One set per week High participation rates: 43% after 12 months
Outcomes After 12 months: 21% increased their back strength functional ability was improved by 20% sick leave days (35%) and cases (48%) were reduced = much lower than the industry norm
A global association focused on serving the health promotion practitioner (affiliated with American College of Sports Medicine) essential resources a vibrant community and network exceptional learning opportunities vital to practitioners and employers Committed to WHO Healthy Workplace Framework Growing international membership base Goal of aligning international associations/organizations (e.g. ABQV in Brazil)
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