Diabesityville Mitch, Alex, Lexi, AJ
The Issue Rural community with 10,000 people Major is concerned with sedentary lifestyle Focus on elementary age children Problems areas; Parks, trails, swimming pool, improper cross walks, sidewalks, and fast food restaurants
Websites How the body works and growing up A fun place to learn about nutrition, nutrition games for kids and tools and tips for parents and health educators on nutrition. Tips for parents on staying healthy themselves and promoting a healthy lifestyle for their children lifestyle.aspx lifestyle.aspx 5 ways to a healthy lifestyle
Tips for a healthy lifestyle 1. Get active each day1.) Be a good role model 2. Choose water as a drink2.) Play Date 3. Eat more fruit and veggies3.) balance calories and 4. Switch off the TVencourage healthy eating 5. Eat fewer snacks 4.) look for ways to make a favorite dish healthier
Community Wide Campaign Family field day Three legged race Sac hop race Wheel barrel race Basketball tournament softball/baseball throw Dunk tank your parent prizes
Point of Decision Play Like Mike
Behavioral Interventions Small group counseling Discuss benefits of living a healthy lifestyle Discuss what they can do to become more active Show them options of sports teams they can join Verbal reinforcement for showing that they are increasing in physical activity Intention to change the way they feel about exercise and in turn change exercise behavior.
Social Interventions Exercise counselors that will talk to individuals and place kids in social groups such as sports or recreational teams based on fitness levels. Kids will have more fun if they are surrounded by people who are like them in regards to fitness levels.
Environmental/Policy Approaches Environmental Invest in a local YMCA long term Give kids a safe place to exercise and have fun Fix some of the sidewalks in town Policy Arrange more convenient hours for the field house at Concordia University. Increase time of recess and gym time at school This will allow kids more of a time to play and help them in their daily activity.