engineering a better world WATER
According to the UN By 2025, it is estimated that about two thirds of the world's population - about 5.5 billion people - will live in areas facing moderate to severe water stress Approximately 1.1 billion people still do not have access to improved drinking water in 2005
Appearances can be Deceiving!
Why do we need Water?
World Water distribution
Why do we need a Good Water Supply System? &NR=1&feature=fvwphttp:// &NR=1&feature=fvwp
Why do we need a Good Water Supply System?
Possible Solutions to Water Supply Issues 1. RAM PUMP / HYDRAMS
Possible Solutions to Water Supply Issues 1. RAM PUMP / HYDRAMS Inexpensive Few moving parts Use the waters inherent energy Cons: Can only be used in limited scenarios
Possible Solutions to Water Supply Issues 2. THE AQUADUCT
Possible Solutions to Water Supply Issues 2. THE AQUADUCT
Is that water clean?
Child collecting drinking water in Cambodia
Is that water clean? Child drinking water in Honduras, Central America
Is that water clean? online%2F&feature=player_embedded
Is that water clean? Child drinking water in Sudan There are many filter and solar distillation based technologies designed to provide clean drinking water to people: 1. Ceramic / Clay Filter 2. Life Straw 3. Water cone
Ceramic Filters
Life straw
Water Cone
Floating Islands
Desalination Australia is facing a major issue with soil and underground water salinity. Removing soluble salts from water is not a simple affair. In most cases desalination is an energy intensive process!
Desalination by flocculation
Desalination via Reverse osmosis &feature=related
Desalination via distillation Think water cone but faster Involves evaporation/boiling of water and collecting the condensate/distillate The main difference in such technology is usually the source of the heating energy.
Water Supply Systems 1. Grey water tank for biological treatment (900 litres) 2. Grey water inflow 3. Grey water overflow 4. Sewage system 5. Grey water system ventilation 6. Ultrafiltration module / sterilisation 7. Fresh water inflow 8. Rainwater / fresh water tank 2400 liters 9. Ventilation unit 10. Domestic water supply 11. Submersible pump 12. Biovitor 13. Rainwater inflow 14. Drinking water feed 15. System control 16. Soak-away 17. Rainwater / fresh water overflow 18. Soak-away ventilation Image sourced from: water-recycling/index.html
Questions? ?
Activity: Make your own water filter In country groups, Decide what to do Buy materials Make filter Test filter Present to class
How does the activity relate to the real world? People in poorer countries have their own coping mechanisms Resourcefulness of groups with little money North-South co-operation Richer countries formed the G8 and OECD Poorer countries formed the Group of 24 Collaboration between countries Based on actual country’s illiteracy rate Lack of education and access to information Illegible instructions Based on actual country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Different amounts of money per group Real WorldActivity
Useful Links 1. RAM PUMPS m/ebae161_92.htmlhttp:// m/ebae161_92.html htm htm aulic_ram_pumps.pdfhttp:// aulic_ram_pumps.pdf
Useful Links 2. AQUADUCT technology/remediation/aquaduct-filtration-vehicle.htm/printable technology/remediation/aquaduct-filtration-vehicle.htm/printable 3. CERAMIC FILTER AUSTRALIAN DRINKING WATER GUIDELINES dwg_11_06.pdfhttp:// dwg_11_06.pdf
Useful Links 8. WATER ORGANISATIONS (Continued) althLife.aspxhttp:// althLife.aspx water/ water/ nm/water/index.htmlhttp:// nm/water/index.html
A great documentary! I encourage anyone interested in water issues to watch this enlightening documentary on water issues: water/