1 Your Utility Services: The Bottom Line Facilities Managers Meeting November 5, 2015
2 Our Service Delivery Objectives Safe, Reliable Service Competitive Cost Financially Stable Environmentally Sound
3 Electric Service No rate changes since 2009 Carbon neutral electric supply provides clean energy supply at low cost Low outage rates relative to other utilities Exploring new distribution system technologies to reduce costs and provide better service Costs will increase in coming years as new renewable projects come online, then are likely to stabilize
4 Gas Service Competitive gas supply costs Seeking long term “gas prepay” contract to obtain favorable gas supply pricing Gas distribution system investment and maintenance plans emphasize safe operation With PG&E beginning to invest more in maintenance and upgrades, rates becoming more competitive each year
5 Sewer Service Regional Water Quality Control Plant reaching end of life, will require replacement, like many other treatment plants in the Bay Area. Collection system maintenance and replacement is being improved to reduce lateral overflows and attendant impacts on businesses and residents Improving maintenance processes rather than increased staffing Increasing capital investment in lateral and main replacement
6 Water Supply Hetch Hetchy system delivers high quality, water supply Water System Improvement Project: $4.6 billion seismic retrofit to regional water system Cost monitoring provided by Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency Palo Alto rehabilitated and expanded emergency water supplies to meet DPH requirements
7 Water Service O&M and staffing costs: increased by inflation Evaluating supplemental water supply (recycled water) Recent Water System Master Plan (capital investment plan) emphasized cost-efficient replacement strategy Drought rates in place, but customers will still save if they conserve
8 Last Year’s Rate Projections
9 Your Utility Services: The Bottom Line Facilities Managers Meeting November 5, 2015