Chapter 2 Section 2 An English Settlement at Jamestown
Objectives Identify the obstacles facing the first English settlers in North America. Understand the factors that helped Jamestown to flourish. Describe the economic and social inequities that triggered Bacon’s Rebellion. Know the key terms.
The Mystery of Roanoke England’s first attempt to plant a colony in North America. After 2 years, Captain John White returned to find the settlement empty. The colonists had vanished and the word “CROATOAN” was carved on a tree. own/videos#myster y-roanoke
Jamestown Jamestown, England’s first successful colony was founded in Funded by the Virginia Company, a joint- stock company chartered by King James I. Challenged by disease, famine, laziness, and the Powhatan tribe. John Smith declared that “he that will not work, shall not eat”. Burned in a fire, Smith returned to England. Discouraged colonists were joined by a second ship and stayed. A representative assembly was formed called the House of Burgesses
Jamestown topics/jamestown/videos#
Tobacco John Rolfe created a high-quality tobacco, which became the main export. The success of the tobacco crop created a need for workers. The Virginia Company introduced the headright system to attract settlers to come to work. Anyone who paid for their own or another’s passage to Virginia would receive 50 acres. Plantation owners paid passage for indentured servants from England. They received food and shelter with agreement to work for 4-7 years. Africans received the same offer at first.
Tobacco pics/jamestown/videos#the -value-of-tobacco
Native Americans English settlers had no desire to mix with the natives, they wanted them to move. Jamestown leaders demanded tributes to be paid by the Powhatan’s. Soldiers burned villages and kidnapped children if tributes were not paid. Pocahontas’ marriage to John Rolfe brought temporary peace, but colonists continued to take native land. In 1624 James I revoked the company charter and made Virginia a royal colony.
Bacon’s Rebellion Sir William Berkeley, Virginia’s governor, imposed high taxes that only benefited wealthy land owners in the East. A bloody clash between settlers and natives sparked a “battle of the classes” when the governor refused to send help. Nathaniel Bacon raised his own army. Governor Berkeley declared Bacon’s army illegal. Bacon marched on Jamestown in Sept confronting leaders for being taxed without representation in the House of Burgesses.
Chapter 2 Section 3 Puritan New England
Objectives Identify the motives that led the Puritans to New England. Summarize the principles of government established by the dissenters who fled to Rhode Island. Know the key terms.
The Puritan Emigration The Puritan Emigration Puritans emigrated to New England in the 1620’s for political, economic, and religious reasons. They had a royal charter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony led by John Winthrop. They wanted to “purify” the Anglican Church from Catholicism.. Some wanted to completely separate. The Separatists were known as the Pilgrims. They founded Plymouth Colony, the 2 nd permanent English colony. It was later incorporated into the Massachusetts Bay colony.
Dissent in the Puritan Community Dissent in the Puritan Community Roger Williams, an extreme separatist, had two controversial views. 1. He believed English settlers had no right to Native land unless they purchased it from them. 2. Government officials had no business punishing settlers for their religious beliefs. He fled to Providence, Rhode Island and set up a new colony. There he guaranteed separation of church and state and religious freedom.
Dissent in the Puritan Community Dissent in the Puritan Community Anne Hutchinson was banished by the Puritans for teaching that worshippers did not need the church or ministers to interpret the bible. She moved to Rhode Island and later to New Netherlands (today’s New York.)
yflower/videos#history-of-the- thanksgiving-holiday The History of Thanksgiving
Mayflower Compact Agreement signed by the Pilgrims to establish some form of authority for the new colony. By signing, they agreed to obey any laws agreed upon for the general good of the colony. Formed the foundational principal of today’s American government, “government by the people, for the people.”
Chapter 2 Section 4 Settlement of Middle Colonies
Objectives Describe daily life in New Netherland. Explain the reasons for the social and religious diversity of colonial Pennsylvania. Know the key terms.
New Netherland The Dutch colonized New Netherland in 1621 to expand their fur trade. New Amsterdam became the capital in 1625, now New York City. They traded furs with Native Americans and generally got along with them. In 1664, King Charles II granted his brother James permission to drive out the Dutch. Without a shot being fired, England took over the Dutch colony. The Duke of York, the new proprietor, renamed it New York.
Pennsylvania In 1681 King Charles II gave William Penn a charter for Pennsylvania. He planned to run his colony on the Quaker principles of equality, cooperation, and religious tolerance. This he called a “holy experiment.” This attracted many settlers of different faiths. Video.php?video_id=19601& title=William_Penn_Jr_
(A)Roanoke (Virginia) 1586 Completely disappeared without a trace (A) The First British Colonies in America (B)Jamestown (Virginia) 1607 First Representative Assembly (House of Burgesses) (D) Connecticut 1630 “Great Migration” First Constitution (Fundamental Orders of Connecticut) Puritans (religious reasons) (B) (C) (D) (C)Plymouth (Massachusetts Bay) Colony 1620 First Majority Rule (Mayflower Compact) Pilgrims came for religious reasons. Came for economic reasons.
Expansion of the English Colonies