University-Level Governance Board of Trustees 1
BROAD GRANT OF AUTHORITY ORC Section provides “…the Board of Trustees of any college or university which receives any state funds in support thereof, shall have full power and authority on all matters relative to the administration of such college of university…” [emphasis added] ORC Section provides “…the Board of Trustees of any college or university which receives any state funds in support thereof, shall have full power and authority on all matters relative to the administration of such college of university…” [emphasis added] 2
General Powers [ORC Chapter 3345] Can establish a prepaid legal service plan for students ( ) Can establish a prepaid legal service plan for students ( ) Appoint university law enforcement officers ( ) Appoint university law enforcement officers ( ) Shall file an annual budget plan for current operating expenses with the board of regents and the legislatives budget office ( (C)) Shall file an annual budget plan for current operating expenses with the board of regents and the legislatives budget office ( (C)) Elect, fix the compensation of, and remove the president, faculty and other employees ( ) Elect, fix the compensation of, and remove the president, faculty and other employees ( ) 3
General Powers [ORC Chapter 3345] May enter into mutual aid agreements with townships, municipal corporations, counties, park districts, or other state universities or colleges ( ) May enter into mutual aid agreements with townships, municipal corporations, counties, park districts, or other state universities or colleges ( ) May assess registration fees, non-resident tuition fees, academic fees for off-campus instructions, laboratory and course fees, student health fees, and “other” fees/changes ( (A)) May assess registration fees, non-resident tuition fees, academic fees for off-campus instructions, laboratory and course fees, student health fees, and “other” fees/changes ( (A)) 4
General Powers [ORC Chapter 3345] May establish unconditional admission requirements upon two years prior notice ( ) May establish unconditional admission requirements upon two years prior notice ( ) May exercise broad bonding authority for both auxiliary and educational facilities ( , , and ) May exercise broad bonding authority for both auxiliary and educational facilities ( , , and ) Must purchase printed material through competitive bidding and Ohio preference ( ) Must purchase printed material through competitive bidding and Ohio preference ( ) Must allow political subdivisions to provide objections to proposed capital improvement ( ) Must allow political subdivisions to provide objections to proposed capital improvement ( ) 5
General Powers [ORC Chapter 3345] Holds all rights and interests in intellectual property which result from research or investigation conducted in any laboratory of research facility of the university ( ) Holds all rights and interests in intellectual property which result from research or investigation conducted in any laboratory of research facility of the university ( ) May receive, manage, invest and hold in trust donations or bequests of money, land or other personal property ( ) May receive, manage, invest and hold in trust donations or bequests of money, land or other personal property ( ) May develop mineral resources ( ) May develop mineral resources ( ) 6
General Powers [ORC Chapter 3345] Only BG (17,000), KSU (22,000), Miami (17,000), OU (22,000) and Ohio State (42,000) have enrollment limitations ( ) Only BG (17,000), KSU (22,000), Miami (17,000), OU (22,000) and Ohio State (42,000) have enrollment limitations ( ) May purchase liability insurance for student teachers, supervisors; general liability insurance for all employees; liability insurance for students in certain activities ( ) May purchase liability insurance for student teachers, supervisors; general liability insurance for all employees; liability insurance for students in certain activities ( ) Has broad authority to maintain law and order on campus ( ) Has broad authority to maintain law and order on campus ( ) 7
General Powers [ORC Chapter 3345] May establish program for “leaves of absence” for professional improvement ( ) May establish program for “leaves of absence” for professional improvement ( ) Each Board must establish a program to ensure that teaching assistants have oral proficiency in the English language ( ) Each Board must establish a program to ensure that teaching assistants have oral proficiency in the English language ( ) Must have office of contract compliance ( ) Must have office of contract compliance ( ) Must post anabolic steroid warnings in athletic facilities ( ) Must post anabolic steroid warnings in athletic facilities ( ) 8
General Powers [ORC Chapter 3345] May establish compensation plans and policies for their administration ( ) May establish compensation plans and policies for their administration ( ) Must establish faculty workload policies ( ) Must establish faculty workload policies ( ) May locally administer capital improvement projects not exceeding four million dollars ( ) May locally administer capital improvement projects not exceeding four million dollars ( ) May locally administer capital improvement renovation projects not exceeding one million five hundred thousand dollars ( ) May locally administer capital improvement renovation projects not exceeding one million five hundred thousand dollars ( ) 9