f Project X: Recycler 8.9 GeV/c Extraction D. Johnson, E. Prebys, M. Martens, J. Johnstone Fermilab Accelerator Advisory Committee August 8, 2007 D. Johnson
f Outline Accelerator Layout Beam Parameters Extraction Options Conclusions Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 1
f Cartoon of MI/Recycler Extraction (and Injection) MI30 MI10 MI52 MI40 MI60 Recycler Main Injector 8-GeVline Nova: Booster-Recycler Nova: Recycler-MI P1 line Proposed: Recycler-P1 MI abort Recycler abort Abort Bypass NuMI MI62 MI22 MI32 Project X - Linac existing planned Potential To be removed R R R Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 2
f Extraction location – 52 Main Injector MI extracts to Tevatron, Pbar, and Switchyard via P1 beamline Extraction channel: kicker/electrostatic septa at Q520 and magnetic Lambertson Q522 Recycler Add kicker and/or septa at 520 with Lambertson at 522 bending down toward the P1 line. Connect with P1 line upstream of Q703 [Ref. Beam doc 2678] septa kicker Lambertson’s Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 3
f Extraction location -40 Both MI and Recycler abort extraction system located at 40 Share same abort absorber Beam bypass built into beam absorber EPP (1994) developed “green field” experimental area downstream of MI-40 Addition of kicker/dipole in beam line to switch between abort and experimental area Beam could be supplied to area from either MI or Recycler No effort has gone into further development since 1994 Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 4
f Extraction from the Recycler Machine/Beam parameters Linac operates 5 Hz, 9 mA, and 1ms injection time Corresponds to about 5.3E13 protons injected into Recycler with a 700 ns abort gap each Linac cycle 3 cycles for MI injection w/ cycle of 1.4 sec 160 kW (8GeV) 4 cycles for use (elsewhere) > 200 kW (8GeV) Bunch filling determined by digital 325 Mhz chopper in Linac Inject into 53 Mhz buckets using transverse and longitudinal painting to 25 -mm-mr and 0.5 eV-sec Required dp/p of 0.5% with chromaticities of -10 to full intensity Harmonic number, h = 588 (84x7) Circumference meters Tunes and (design) Max number of bunches: ~546 (42 buckets abort gap) RF HV 800 kV 1 st and 400 kV 2 nd harmonic Bunch length ns Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 5
f Fast Extraction Utilize combination of kicker (H) and magnetic Lambertson (V) separated by 90 o in phase Extract full turn Requires an abort gap in beam (750ns) – currently done in MI Rise time of 750 ns, flattop time 9.8 s Extract 1/6 th of full ring (one Booster batch) Requires kickers with 60 ns rise/fall time Similar to current MI injection kicker (vertical) Horizontal kicker being developed for Nova injection Operation at 15 Hz implies 3 “batches” extracted/Linac cycle Bunch-by-bunch extraction Requires 6-8 ns rise/fall time with 10-12ns flattop Requires combination of fast kicker and electrostatic septum For pulsar voltage of 20 kV on each +/-plate requires only about 5m of kicker 25 mm separation at electrostatic septa Power supplies have been developed which have similar parameters (LLNL) – not unthinkable at 8 GeV Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 6
f Resonant Extraction Previous experience: Fermilab Main Ring and Tevatron ½ Integer Resonant Extraction (400 GeV and 800 GeV program) Fermilab MI ½ Integer Resonant Extraction (120 GeV) Fermilab has never utilized 1/3 Integer Extraction 1/3 Integer resonant extraction utilized by other labs, ANL, BNL, CERN 1/3 rd Integer resonant extraction from the Debuncher is being investigated (mu2e collaboration meeting, Aug 1, 2007) Fermilab has never implemented resonant extraction at 8 GeV Simulations, utilized for MI resonant extraction at 120 GeV,[Beams-doc-092] have been adapted for 8 GeV MI resonant extraction [J. Johnstone] 1000 particles (all particles accumulated in extracted phase space) 3 cases with all particles at dp/p values of -.15%, 0%, or +.15% Circulating beam is a snapshot halfway thru extraction Septum located at -16mm and base tune set to from the half- integer Large circulating beam size /aperture ratio problematic Large tune spread due to momentum spread/chromaticity problematic Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 7
f Resonant Extraction From the Recycler Option NOT VERY ATTRACTIVE, if even possible MI 120 GeV resonant extraction septum Lambertson dp/p < 0 dp/p > 0 MI (Recycler) 8 GeV extraction septum For Comparison dp/p = % 0 % % x = -10 units = +/ = Initial conditions used in simulations: = 25 -mm-mr Low dp/p extracted beam overlaps high momentum circulating beam: No GAP dp/p = 0 Lambertson Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 8 Onset of extraction
f Conclusions Two extraction channels from the Recycler have potential for being developed 52 could supply beam to all existing areas 40 is a new “green field” area that could be developed Fast extraction of beam from single bunches to a full ring appear to be feasible (R&D needed for bunch- by-bunch) Resonant Extraction from the Recycler does not appear to be feasible Aug 8, 2007 AAC meeting D. Johnson 9