A technique for solving problems of conversions.
How many eggs are in a dozen? 1 doz. = 12 eggs or 12 eggs = 1 doz. How can we write this as a fraction that is equal to 1 (conversion Factor)?
How many minutes are in an hour? 60 min = 1 hr or 1hr = 60 min Conversion Factors?
1. Write down given number and unit 2. Determine the conversion factor needed
3. Use the conversion factor that will cancel out the original unit. 4. Multiply the numbers on top and divide the numbers on bottom
Convert kilometers to miles. ◦ (1.6 km = 1 mile)
Convert 870 kilograms to pounds ◦ (0.454 kg = 1 lb)
Convert 84 ounces to milliliters ◦ oz = 1 mL
Convert 746 days to centuries
Convert 56 kilometers to inches (1 mi=1.6 km, 1 mi = 5280 ft)