Digitization of Publications, Technical and Consultancy Reports of Marine Species in Kenya (DRMS) Dr. Nina Wambiji 21 st September, 2012
Problem statement 0 KMFRI has about 200 scientists and technicians with thesis not digitized. 0 Students from universities also get attached in KMFRI and sample along the coast but a copy of their reports are never deposited in the KMFRI library. 0 Rationale: This will enable marine science information to be inventorized from relevant government institutions, research organizations, and non-governmental organizations working within the coastal region.
Project Partners KMFRI Government institutions Library Universities NGO’s WCS, CORDIO Scientists Corporate affairs department
About JRS Biodiversity Foundation Mission 0 The Foundation defined a mission within the field of biodiversity: 0 To enhance knowledge and promote the understanding of biological diversity for the benefit and sustainability of life on earth. Scope 0 The Foundation Board of Trustees has expressed a particular interest in focusing its grant-making in Africa. Strategic Interest Advance projects, or parts of biodiversity projects that focus on: (1) collecting data, (2) aggregating, synthesizing, publishing data, and making it more widely available to potential end users, and (3) interpreting and gaining insight from data to inform policy-makers.
KMFRI’s History with JRS Biodiversity Foundation 1. Title of Grant: “Lake Victoria Biodiversity Informatics Planning Grant” 0 Grant Amount: $25,349 over 6 months 0 Principal Investigator: W. O. Ojwang 2. Title of Grant: “Phase One of a Lake Victoria Biodiversity Informatics Project” 0 Grant Amount: $132,530 over one year 0 Principal Investigator: William O. Ojwang
What is to be digitized and why and to what quality Aim 0 Digitize data from theses, dissertations, reports, publications and grey literature among others. 0 This will contribute to data management on various research themes. It will inform rational management of these resources. 0 Digitized material will be globally accessible online.
At inception (1979); MSc: 2 1.Manpower Development Currently PhD : 15 (10) Msc : 54 Bsc: 12 Total: 81 scientists
Specific objectives (What?) 1. To inventorize theses, dissertations, consultancy and technical reports from organizations working within the coastal region 2. To archive documents in repositories and make them globally accessible online. 3. To synthesize and package the data and information into outreach products (thematic documentaries, coastal atlas, posters, fact sheets, web-based resources (relevant databases) for awareness targeting different stakeholder’s e.g. local communities, scientists, managers, policy makers. 4. To collect data which has been collected within the study programs and add species lists will be added to the WoRMS database.
1. Activities (How?) 1. Inception & data compilation 0 Mobilization via s and letters from KMFRI and start-up meetings 0 Data, information and literature compilation 0 Training: Staff will be trained in-house of digitization plus the collaborating institutes 0 Aggregation: Collecting all documents, migrating those in different formats and classifying them into what needs to be done on them, scanning, printing, binding 0 Synthesis of data 2. Publicity 0 Stakeholders input 0 Publishing and dissemination of outreach material like posters, press releases 0 Evaluation: conducting questionnaire surveys/ interviews etc before and after project to quantify the impact
Logistics 0 Hiring short-term staff especially during the data mining/archeology phase of the project when a lot of man hours will be dedicated to data recovery. 0 Coordination costs for Project Coordinator and Assistant 0 Data search 0 The subcontracting to collaborators to offer support in data recovery, synthesizing, processing and publication of products. 0 Travel of local and international travel to partner institutions, field visits for validation/ground truthing, capacity building and expertise sharing and facilitation of stakeholders to local meetings. 0 Training of staff and education in any new procedures
2. Workplan
3. 3. Evaluation Methods Documents retrieved from scientists, Universities, NGOS No. of new reports made globally accessible through the institutes digital library. No. of document requests and downloads online. Experimental designs Questionnaires Web generated surveys Focus groups SurveyMonkey
Expected outcomes 0 The results of the project will be reported on the institute’s website under the library services. Additionally the corporate affairs department 0 Inventories of available resources 0 Geo-referencing data 0 Mapping of resources.
Project sustainability 0 The KMFRI Digital repository will continue to have global access to all clients. 0 The staff involved in the digitization project will retain their skills and be able to teach them to younger staff or all librarians in the satellite stations of KMFRI. 0 The equipment that would have been bought for the digitization work will be retained by the institute hence creating free facilitation for continuous digitization in the future.
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