Initiative for using Assistive Technology The Overall Teacher Judgements (OTJs) and English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL/AF) scores of a group of students at the end of 2013, highlighted an urgent need for language support and development prior to them leaving primary school. These students also had significant challenges around developing positive peers relationships. An application for Educational Development Initiative (EDI) was sent into the Ministry of Education. Target StudentClass LevelSexESOL ScoreWriting OTJ 2013 JMYr 6M57Well Below Standard NLYr 6F94Below Standard RKYr 5F0Well Below Standard VPYr 5M45Well Below Standard IWYr 5M73Below Standard Background
Expected Educational Outcomes The students will develop confidence in speaking in both small and large groups. The students will develop written language skills. There will be an improvement in the way the students socially interact. The students will have an increased written and oral vocabulary. Indicators Increased participation in oral situations in both class and playground. Increased use of content vocabulary in a range of contexts – social and curriculum contexts and in oral and written situations. An increase in the ESOL/AF assessment scores. Initiative for using Assistive Technology Outcomes and Indicators
Actions taken Increase teaching time with students to enable programme to be implemented. Purchase a set of Surface Tablets for the students to work cooperatively within group situations in oral and written projects – Skype Messaging Presentations using Office 2013 Checkpoints Peer Monitoring Skype usage Teacher Monitoring Classroom assessment ESOL assessment OTJs National Standards reporting Initiative for using Assistive Technology Action Plan
Term 1, 2014 Gather complete background knowledge on selected students. Develop action plan. Purchase of Surface RT Tablets. Train students in use of tablets (including buddy students). Terms 2 and 3, 2014 Teaching and learning in written language will be focused on improving the achievement of targeted students. Small group support established as required. This may be provided within the classroom or as a withdrawal programme. Monitor students through ongoing classroom and ESOL assessments. Initiative for using Assistive Technology Term by Term Actions
Terms 2 and 3, 2014 continued Provide professional development for teacher(s) as required. Evaluate writing programmes to ensure that E-learning opportunities are made available to interest and engage struggling writers. An interim progress report on student achievement in writing to be completed at end of Term 3. Term 4, 2014 Collect new writing sample. Evaluate progress. Aggregate written language data against end of year National Standards. Complete ESOL/AF forms. Report to Board of Trustees. Send report to the Ministry of Education. Initiative for using Assistive Technology Term by Term Actions