SENnet Thematic Study - Year 1 Leuven 3rd Consortium meeting - October 9-10
WP2 Tasks Thematic Study - Year 1 state of the art Contents Overview on policy contributions Highlights of each report from project partners Overview on case studies Overview on case study videos Highlights of each case study from project partners Format for next year Next deliverable D 2.4 Sennet Annual Report Contents, format and deadline Outline
T Thematic studies (D2.1-3) Thematic Studies are conducted from a qualitative perspective utilizing methods such as group discussions, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Results are consolidated and are presented in the form of published studies, using standard EUN templates already widely known and respected, including cross-country comparisons. The good practices are published online and available for printing as PDFs; online versions include video clips. They follow a similar format, e.g. review and analysis of the state of affairs, identification of factors and good practice case studies, comparison across countries and conclusions and recommendations. The SEN NET annual study aims at: Integrating SEN learners into mainstream schools and classes Using digital learning resources in SEN Specific disabilities and ICT (e.g. dyslexia, visual impairment, deafness) T1.2 Annual reports on SEN innovation (D2.4-6) Annual report on the state of innovation in the area covered by the Network, i.e. particular reference to innovative approaches to mainstreaming learners with SEN of compulsory school age, improving access to digital resources, raising teachers ‟ awareness, and the role of ICT. An annual report will focus on innovative approaches to mainstreaming learners with SEN of compulsory school age, improving access to digital resources, raising teachers ‟ awareness, and the role of ICT. WP2 Tasks
In February 2012 we shared the topics to be covered and the format. The thematic study is almost ready. We are still missing some parts. One comment: a bit heterogeneous Thematic Study - Year 1 state of the art
INTRODUCTION Within the SENnet project, WP 2 has the task to deliver each year a Thematic Study presenting recent research and studies in the field of special education needs and ICT. The study is divided into two main parts: Part 1 will focus on European and national countries partners’ policies as for the integration of SEN pupils in mainstream education through the use of ICT and Part 2 will concentrate on the description of case studies dealing with school integration or assessment of SEN pupils. PART 1: Recent research and studies In Part 2, a detailed contribution from European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education on recent research activities and studies will be presented. Each project partner has also described the situation at national level as to: policy trends as for ICT and SEN pupils in their country; recent law developments on this topic; examples of interesting projects and research activities of SEN pupils inclusion with ICT at a national/local level. Countries’ contributions will be presented in alphabetical order. PART 2: Policy implementation and practice Part 2 presents at least 1 case studies per partner on the following topics: 1) Case studies on Assessment of SEN pupils with different disabilities at different school levels 2) Case studies on SEN pupils with different disabilities on the use of specific software and assistive technology. Countries’ contributions will be presented in alphabetical order. Contents - Thematic Study Year 1
EUROPEAN OVERVIEW Key Principles for Promoting Quality in Inclusive Education- Recommendations for Practice Mapping the Implementation of Policy for Inclusive Education Teacher Education for Inclusion i-access Recommendations Recent IITE reports Special needs education – NESSE Repo UNESCO Report on Accessible ICTs and Personalized Learning for Students with Disabilities ICTs in Education for People with Disabilities - Review of Innovative Practice Overview on policy contribution 1/2
DETAIL FROM PROJECT PARTNERS policy trends as for ICT and SEN pupils in their country; recent law developments on this topic; examples of interesting projects and research activities of SEN pupils inclusion with ICT at a national/local level. Overview on policy contribution 2/2 Contributions from: Austria Belgium Estonia Italy Portugal Turkey Not received yet by: Denmark
Round table specific issues special attention particular and common elements between the different countries... to prepare the way for the SEN workshop at EMINENT Highlights of policy report from project partners
POLICY IMPLEMENTATION AND PRACTICE Contributions from project partners: at least 1 case studies per partner, chosen from topics: Case studies on Assessment of SEN pupils with different disabilities at different school levels Case studies on SEN pupils with different disabilities on the use of specific software and assistive technology The case study can be video or text (Florence meeting) Overview on case studies School practices on the use of digital tools and resources by/with SEN pupils and teachers: Austria Belgium Estonia Italy Portugal Turkey (adult *) Different theme and format: 5 cases from United Kingdom Not received by: Denmark
The recommended length is not more than 5 minutes; the videos must be subtitled in English (using and focused on the practice’s innovation and impact. The case study can be video or text (Florence meeting) Overview on case study videos Video with english subtitles made by: Estonia - Italy - /videos/ZpH8u76wdRNX/info/conn ect-to-redi/ /videos/ZpH8u76wdRNX/info/conn ect-to-redi/ Portugal UK - 5 videos in English Not received yet by: Austria Belgium Denmark Turkey
Round table traits, peculiarities of the case issues emerging and success stories specific and common elements between the different countries... to prepare the way for the SEN workshop at EMINENT Highlights of each case study from project partners
1) Are we happy with the format of this year? What changes would you like? we should stick to the format we are going to agreed upon 2) What topic(s) could be covered next year? it could be: 1. using digital learning resources in SEN; 2. specific disabilities and the role of ICT in support (i.e. behaviour) 3. your proposal... 3) Deadline: September 30th 2013 Format for next year Thematic Study Year 2 D2.2
Next deliverable D 2.4 SENnet Annual Report Annual report on the state of innovation in the area covered by the Network, i.e. particular reference to innovative approaches to mainstreaming learners with SEN of compulsory school age, improving access to digital resources, raising teacher awareness, and the role of ICT.
Contents: we propose to describe here a product/software/research activity that is particularly innovative. i.e. we are thinking of a product realised by a company in Bologna; this company produces acccessible videogames for blind and sensomotory disabled ( About 2 pages from each partner Format (according to the content we are going to cover) Deadline: before Christmas :) Contents, format and deadline