Business Continuity Management 101
KeepItSafe Professional Services The portfolio of business continuity management is to ensure we assist our clients to successfully navigate through any crisis. Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Cloud Recovery Process Implementation and Testing Crisis Management Pandemic Response Planning Perform Assessments
Business Continuity Management Business Continuity Institute (BCI) Holistic management process Identifies potential impacts Framework for resilience and response capability Safeguard interests of key stakeholders Consist of 4 distinct Elements
Benefits of BCM Reduces impact and likelihood of failure Demonstrates professional management Improves processes Enhances customer service Creates competitive advantage Frees management time spent fire-fighting Increases confidence in the future Can reduce cost of capital
Building Blocks of Business Continuity Management Remote Locations Emergency Response Plan Exec Recovery Plan Service Recovery Plan HR. Recovery Plan Finance Recovery Plan Sales Recovery Plan Technology Recovery (Disaster Recovery) Pandemic Plan Business Continuity Plan Business Continuity Framework Crisis Management Plan
Online Backup and Disaster Recovery
Industry Terms DISASTER RECOVERY PLANNING (DRP): ◦ The technological aspect of business continuity planning. The advance planning and preparations that are necessary to minimize loss and ensure continuity of the critical business functions of an organization in the event of disaster. BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING (BCP): ◦ Process of developing advance arrangements and procedures that enable an organization to respond to an event in such a manner that critical business functions continue with planned levels of interruption or essential change.
Disaster Recovery
Industry Terms RECOVERY POINT OBJECTIVE (RPO): ◦ The point in time to which systems and data must be recovered after an outage. (e.g. end of previous day's processing). Amount of acceptable data loss RECOVERY TIME OBJECTIVE (RTO): The period of time within which systems, applications, or functions must be recovered after an outage (e.g. one business day). Acceptable downtime DaysMinsHrsWksSecs Data Loss Recover data to last known good point before outage. MinsDaysHrsSecsWks Business Service Downtime The amount of time it takes to recover systems and operations to resume business.
KeepItSafe DR DocumentationProcess Policy Best Practices
Cloud Recovery-as-Service Delivers faster recovery times and multi-site availability at a fraction of the cost of conventional disaster recovery Cost-effective resource use Rapid provisioning Scalability and elasticity