Introduction & Purpose Updates on School Funding Reform following a series of School Funding (High Needs)Task Group meetings Issues arising for Schools Next steps
High Needs School Funding (High Needs) Task Group met three times to discuss funding for these areas since October 12 Schools – funding for Statements/IPRAS, Resourced Provisions, Special Schools LA – Inclusion Support Service Other Settings – PRU, Sunnyhurst, Independent Special Schools, Pupils in other LA settings
High Needs - Context As part of School Funding Reform DfE have proposed changes to how pupils with SEND are funded The principle is to ensure consistency and simplification on how funding for SEND is allocated to schools / settings DfE have defined a financial threshold of £10k for Element 1 ( core funding per pupil ) and Element 2 ( additional needs ) which they recommend is used by all LAs. DfE believe that this will allow schools greater flexibility and increased control for meeting the needs for children in their school
High Needs - Statements / IPRAs Financial threshold set at £6k in line with DfE guidance Re-stating current Statements & IPRAs by removing £6k (or total funding if less than £6k) for each pupil and re-allocating through core formula using :- - 50% on Low Cost High Incidence Need factor and 50% on per pupil basis Up to 50% of Notional SEN at school level to be used for High Needs Pupils to calculate “expected” no of High Needs Pupils For schools with higher than “expected” pupils additional Element 2 funding ( £6k ) to be provided as well as Element 3 funding No school to lose more than 5% of the funding that they would have received under the current methodology – maximum reduction Primary £6,758, maximum reduction in Secondary £19,800
High Needs – Special Schools and Resource Provisions No of places in Special Schools and Resource Provisions agreed for April 13 at £10,000 per place Re-stating funding allocated to Special Schools and Resource Provisions in 2012/13 to new place plus approach agreed place numbers and pupils from October 2012
High Needs – Alternative Provisions No of places in Alternative Provisions agreed for April 13 at £8,000 per place Re-stating funding allocated to St Thomas and Sunnyhurst as in 2012/13 ( plus any additional funding due to the setting having a fully delegated budget ) to new place plus approach using agreed place numbers and pupils from October 2012 census. Assumption that place led funding for The Heights will be recouped by EFA and further discussions with Education Funding Agency and Schools Forum on agreement of who the commissioning body will be for pupils who attend this provision
High Needs – Other High Needs Budgets Continue to fund other High Needs budgets initially on the same basis as 12/13 Inclusion Support Service Equipment & Adaptations Independent Special schools With a view to further discussions on how to use the funding available in a different way as a result of a partnership board approach and opportunities to redeploy savings to target specific projects or strategies.
High Needs – Post 16 High Needs Budgets Continuing to fund Post 16 HNs in LA maintained settings on the same basis as 12/13 till July 2013 With as view to reviewing arrangements for Post 16 High Needs from August 13 following further discussion with Schools, FE colleges and guidance from DfE.
Next steps Final budgets to be issued w/c 25 th February which will include :- Core funding through new School Formula Minimum Funding Guarantee High Needs funding - Element 3 Funding - Protection Funding for schools with a high number of Statements / IPRAs and to ensure no school loses more than 5% of Statements/IPRAs funding Special Schools Resource Provisions
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