Unit 8 promote equality, diversity & inclusion
Aims To cover the class room learning part of unit 8, to understand the legislation and how and why this is important and implemented in schools.
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Notes: Assessment criteria 8.1.4; & must be assessed in the workplace Your assessor will arrange an observation to see these points.
Diversity & Anti-Discriminatory Practice Elephant in the room?
Diversity & Anti-Discriminatory Practice Activity 1 – What discrimination? Divide the newspaper articles between your group As a group agree two lists dividing into those that show discrimination (specify which type) and those that do not show discrimination As a group choose 3 articles which you feel show parallel things that you have experienced in your working practice – be ready to share your thoughts!
8.1.1 Legislation timeline Activity 2 – Timeline
Choose from these dates
8.1.1 Diversity & Anti-Discriminatory Practice The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (as amended). Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN, 1989). The Human Rights Act The Race Relations (Amendment) Act The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations The Disability Discrimination Act What is the point of all this legislation?
AIM: Be able to support inclusion and inclusive practices in work with children and young people
Inclusion : the right for all children to participate fully in the curriculum On flip chart list the ways children may be excluded from school life, Describe how schools overcome these barriers and promote diversity Why it is important to promote equality & diversity 8.1.2,3 (inclusion)
8.3.2 Barriers to children and young people’s participation (anything that prevents the pupil participating fully in activities and experiences offered by the setting or service) Write the barriers in your pairs and then on the board
8.1.2 The importance of promoting the rights to participation and equality of access: All pupils should be able to fully access all areas of the curriculum. The advent of the Every Child Matters framework and the focus on personalised learning in all sectors of education has also made this high on the agenda. The reasons for this are: Human rights Equal opportunities in education Social opportunities Key term - INCLUSION – the right for all children to participate fully in the curriculum
8.1.2 The importance of promoting the rights to participation and equality of access cont’d Schools should have code of practice and policies around equal opportunities and inclusion. Sometimes part of SEN policy but usually separate Are you familiar with these polices and do you know where to find them in school?
8.1.3 The importance and benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity How can schools be aware of the importance of valuing and promoting cultural diversity?
Task: Write a short personal statement: identifying the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity explaining the importance of promoting the rights of all children and young people to participation and equality of access explaining the importance and benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with children and young people What is meant by inclusion and inclusive practices Identify barriers to children and young people’s participation Add your research to the appendix at the end of your portfolio.
Unit 8 section 2 Aim: Understand the impact of prejudice and discrimination on children and young people
Group activity On your flip charts create 3 columns 1: Discrimination/prejudice (8.2.1) 2: Impact of this on children(8.2.2) 3: How can you challenge this and promote anti-discrimination (8.2.4 & 8.2.5)
8.2.3 Evaluate how own attitudes, values and behaviour could impact on work You will need to be able to consider how your own attitudes, values and behaviour could impact on your work. In some case this may not have been necessary before but you should think about whether you are treating pupils differently because of your own inbuilt ideas.
Task: Write a short personal statement: 1.Explain ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination Analyse the impact of prejudice and discrimination of children and young people Evaluate how own attitudes, values and behaviour could impact on work with children and young children Explain how to promote anti-discriminatory practice in work with children and young people Explain how to challenge discrimination Add your research to the appendix at the end of your portfolio.