AENCO Mrs Sarah Clark Additional Educational Needs Coordinator (AENCO) Qualified Teacher and SENCO My role Oversee the support in place for pupils with SEND Offer advice and support for teachers and teaching assistants Liaise with and support parents Refer to and liaise with external agencies Monitor pupils progress Not classroom based
WHAT IS SEND? Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Definition of SEND “A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special provision to be made for him or her” (DFE & DFH 2014). (If a child requires support above and beyond that of everyday quality first teaching).
INCLUSION At St Mary’s we believe that children are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress achieve their best become confident individuals live fulfilling lives We use our best endeavours to offer an inclusive education to all pupils despite their difficulties or special educational needs.
PUPILS AND PARENTS We value the knowledge parents hold about their child We listen and understand when they express concerns about their child’s development. We consult with parents regarding their child’s areas of difficulty, progress and support in place in school. We offer advice on how parents can support their child at home. Children’s own opinions, aspirations and concerns are highly valued and are taken into account when making decisions about their education.
CHANGES Why? New publications: Children and Families Act (2014) Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014) Changes in place from 1 st September 2014 Main Changes 0-25 years Includes disabled children as well as those with Special Educational Needs Stronger focus on Parent and Pupil involvement (Child Centred Approach) Encourages closer links between education, health and social care Changes to levels and types of need (later slides) Funding (to be finalised)
WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT YOUR CHILD… Speak to your child’s class teacher or the AENCO Try not to compare your child with their peers or siblings. Remember All children develop and learn at very different rates All children have their own strengths and difficulties All children have preferred methods of learning
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Assessments Observations Discussions between teacher, AENCO and other key staff Advice given to parents about how children may be supported in school and at home Plan - Do - Review
AREAS OF NEED IDENTIFIED Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Mental and Emotional Health (previously Behaviour, Emotional and Social) Sensory and / or physical
INTERVENTIONS Some of the ways staff may support pupils are: Adapting lessons to make them slightly easier or more accessible Providing resources which may support understanding Changing the way the classroom is organised Additional support in lessons Maths or Literacy Booster Groups e.g. Box Dictation, Sounds Progress, Stairway to Reading, Multiplication, Number skills Speech and Language sessions Social Skills groups Handwriting boosters Spelling boosters Clever Hands and Fizzy motor skills groups Precision Teaching Daily Readers Memory Skills Quick Fix Block On- going
LEVEL OF NEED IDENTIFIED SEND Register Education Health & Care Plan (previously Statement of SEN) **Current statements will transfer to EHCPs at the next annual review meeting SEN Support (previously School Action +) Monitoring / Vulnerable Groups Register Monitoring (previously School Action) The monitoring list also allows for children with needs that do not affect their education e.g. a medical need.
PROVISION MAPS Children who are on the SEN register will have an Individual Provision Map which will detail the support in place in school. These replace Individual Education Plans (IEPs) Provision maps list all interventions in place list more targets monitor progress monitor impact are reviewed termly
EXTERNAL ADVICE Staff use assessments to monitor pupil’s progress and identify pupil’s needs However, there are times when we may have to seek the advice of external specialists to identify children’s areas of difficulty and decide how they can be best supported in school. For example: Specialist teachers Doctors Paediatricians Educational Psychologists School Nurses Specialist Nurses Speech and Language Therapists Occupational Therapists Physiotherapists Opticians
THE LOCAL OFFER Kent have now published their ‘ Local Offer’ Web page for parents Identifies provision that is available locally and nationally for children in the area who have SEND Useful documents Charities Support groups Web links The website link is :
NEW SEND POLICY Currently being updated so that it reflects the changes within the new SEND Code of Practice. In order to ensure this reflects the views of the parents of St Mary’s we would like to invite you to read through the draft policy and share your thoughts, questions or suggestions. whitstable.kent.sch.uk/page/?title=Special+Educationa l+Needs+%26+Disabilities+%28SEND%29&pid=118 whitstable.kent.sch.uk/page/?title=Special+Educationa l+Needs+%26+Disabilities+%28SEND%29&pid=118
ADDITIONAL NEEDS Gifted and Talented Pupils may also require additional or altered provision to ensure they are appropriately challenged. Care Plans Pupils with medical needs may have a care plan. This are written with parents, staff and specialists where possible. They outline emergency contacts the child’s condition difficulties or symptoms treatment or care required emergency procedures.
SEND POLICY Website – useful links whitstable.kent.sch.uk/page/?title=Special+Educational+Nee ds+%26+Disabilities+%28SEND%29&pid=118 Any Questions? Evaluation
CONTACT INFORMATION Sarah Clark AENCO Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.