Amendments There are 17 amendments that were passed after the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments).
11 th Amendment 1. A State cannot be sued by another state or country.
12 th Amendment 1. The President and Vice President can’t come from the same State. 2. Need more than half of the electoral votes to win the election. 3. House of Reps chooses the President if nobody gets enough votes. 4. Vice Presidents have to meet the same requirements to run as the President.
13 th Amendment 1. Slavery and Involuntary Servitude are not allowed in the US or any of its territories.
14 th Amendment 1. All people born in the US, and those who have been naturalized, are citizens. 2. all people count as Traitors can’t run for public office or collect debts.
15 th Amendment 1. All adult males of any race or ethnicity can vote. *except convicted felons
16 th Amendment 1. The Federal Government can tax the income of citizens. (Establishes Federal Income Tax)
17 th Amendment 1. How Senators are elected 2. State Governors choose people to fill vacant Senate seats.
18 th Amendment 1. The possession, sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol is made illegal. (Prohibition)
19 th Amendment 1. All adults can vote no matter what gender they are. (Lets women vote too)
20 th Amendment 1. Presidential terms begin and end on January 20 th. 2. Senate and House terms begin and end on January 3 rd. 3. The House solves any election problems that arise.
21 st Amendment 1. Prohibition is cancelled, alcohol is legal again.
22 nd Amendment 1. No more than 2 terms as President 2. Except a person who was V.P. and had to assume the Presidency for 2 years or less. (10 years max as President of the US)
23 rd Amendment 1. Washington D.C. (the nation’s capital) gets electoral votes too.
24 th Amendment 1. All adult citizens can vote in primaries no matter what race, ethnicity, or gender they are. 2. Charging “Poll Taxes” (being charged money to vote) is illegal.
25 th Amendment 1. Establishes the line of succession for the Presidency of the United States.
26 th Amendment 1. All 18 year old citizens can vote. *except convicted felons
27 th Amendment 1. Congressional pay raises don’t take affect until after the next elections.