Pre-Proposal Conference Welcome! New York State Department of Transportation Conference Room A/B 50 Wolf Road May 30, :00 PM to 3:30 PM JOB ORDER CONTRACTING SYSTEM SERVICES Contract #C
Pre-Proposal Conference – JOC RFP AGENDA 1.Introductions Pete Weykamp, Transportation Management Division Al Hasenkopf, Contract Management Bureau 2.Project Overview 3.Scope of Services 4.Proposal Format and Response Requirements 5.Proposal Evaluations 6.Administrative Items 7.Questions and Answers 2
JOC RFP Overview Purpose Select a responsive, responsible, qualified consultant to deliver JOC System services to NYSDOT Provide a Construction Task Catalog for maintenance and repair of highway systems Provide support & training 3
JOC RFP: Background Large and aged transportation system Limited NYSDOT staff – need JOC consultant JOC: Procurement system that enables owners to accomplish a large number of small maintenance and capital projects with a single, competitively bid contract. Saves time and money – flexible, too Decrease project duration and cost, while increasing quality. Public bidding process 4
JOC Project Objectives Size of Effort – Assume $200 million over 5 years – Average dollar value of a resulting JOC contract = $69,000. – JOC orders are capped at no more than $500,000 per order. Coverage: – Regions 1 through 11 – Includes State-owned highway, bridge, culverts, overhead sign structures and other roadside appurtenances Program Data Dumps: Provide Word/Excel formatted data 5
JOC Contract Objectives To select an experienced, qualified and responsible service provider/consultant to effectively deliver ATMS services Minimum Responsiveness Requirements (complete, on-time Part I and Part II submissions) Combined 4% M/WBE participation goal (or acceptable GFE) 5 Year Agreement - %-based payment after JOC contract One Prime Consultant (or team; subconsulting and teaming arrangements encouraged. Joint ventures not allowed) Fair and equitable treatment of all firms vying for contract award 6
JOC RFP: General Contract Items Contract Type: Non-Architecture/Non-Engineering contract Consultant Selection Method: Best Value Payment Method: Fixed percentage of the total JOC contract dollar. Payment may be monthly with supporting documentation. Subject to NYSDOT approval. The fixed percentage shall cover all of the selected consultant’s costs Maximum Amount Available: To be determined based upon dollar amount of selected Cost Proposal and available NYSDOT Funds 7
JOC RFP: Scope of Service Consultant will be responsible for providing statewide Job Order Contracting Services to NYSDOT and its contractors Task 1: Develop Construction Task Catalogs Task 2: Provide technical specifications based on NYSDOT Standard Specifications and Maintenance policies and procedures Task 3: Provide fully automated management information and support system Task 4: Provide technical training for NYSDOT staff Task 5: provide technical support throughout the development, implementation, execution and evaluation of the JOC maintenance contracts Deliverables and Schedule requirements defined in RFP 8
SCHEDULE Provide to the Department a customized Construction Task Catalog (and accompanying Technical Specifications) - 60 days from NTP Provide to the Department access to the JOC system and train the Department staff in the use of the software – 90 days advertising JOC construction contracts See RFP page 15 for rest 9
Proposal Format and Contents Part I - Technical and Management Submittal Follow Checklist (RFP Pages 16/17) Part II – Cost and Contract Proposal Follow Checklist (RFP Page 19) MAKE SURE PROPOSAL IS COMPLETE – ASK QUESTIONS IF UNSURE! 10
Proposal Format and Contents (cont’d) M/WBE Participation Combined 4 percent M/WBE participation contract goal Meaningful participation by either a prime consultant or inclusion of subs who are certified as a NYS ESD M/WBE count toward goal DBEs don’t count 11
Cost and Contract Submittal: Part II State acceptance of all Terms and Conditions of the draft Agreement contained in Attachment 1 Complete and submit the “Consultant Information and Certifications Form,” Attachment 2 to indicate their acceptance of the draft Agreement’s Terms and Conditions Include RFP Modification(s) Acknowledgements (if any) 12
Cost and Contract Submittal Part II (cont’d) Procurement Lobbying Law forms (PLL): Submission of the forms with your proposal is mandatory: center/consultants/forms-publications-and-instructions center/consultants/forms-publications-and-instructions Only contact the person noted in the cover letter to this solicitation Failure to submit two PLL forms: proposal will be rejected 13
Proposal Evaluation Process Best Value Criteria (100 Points) Technical Proposal evaluated/point scored (up to 40 points) Cost proposals evaluated and point scored (up to 60 points) Technical Information cannot be in Cost Proposal Cost Information cannot be in Technical Proposal Technical Evaluation Committee to evaluate Technical Proposals May request written clarifications - Evaluators allowed to revise technical scores 14
Proposal Evaluation Process (Cont.) NYSDOT reserves the right to request Best and Final Offers from firms that are determined to be susceptible for contract award. Clarifications to proposals based upon best and final offers may lead to changes in the technical and/or price scoring An award shall be made to the offeror whose proposal receives the highest total Best Value score after considering all technical and cost/price evaluation factors At the conclusion of the evaluation process, an announcement of the Department’s designation(s) will be posted on the NYSDOT website: This Request for Proposals does not commit NYSDOT to award a contract, pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal to this request, or to procure or contract services or supplies 15
Technical Proposal Scoring (Up to 40 Points) 1 a & 1b:Experience ( up to 15 Points) 2a:Schedule ( up to 15 Points) 3a, 3b & 3c: Quality of Proposal, Approach and Scope of Services ( up to 10 Points) See RFP Pages for details – technical proposal evaluated against these factors 16
Cost Proposal Evaluation (Up to 60 Points) Multiply Proposed Fee % times $200M Lowest total derived cost gets 60 points - higher derived costs will receive proportionally lower cost scores Fee comes from Attachment 11 Clarification questions may be asked 17
Administrative Specifications State’s Rights Vendor Responsibility Contractor Tax Certification Iran Divestiture Act Read Draft Contract’s - especially Insurance Requirements! Inquiries and Information Contact: Al Hasenkopf 18
Tentative Schedule of RFP Key Events RFP Release Date:May 16, 2012 Pre-Proposal ConferenceMay 30, 2012 Question Submittal Deadline:June 6, 2012 Answers to Questions Due:June 11, 2012 Proposals Due:June 20, 2012 Proposal Evaluation:June 22, 2012 Recommendation & Designation:1–2 months after eval’n Contract Negotiations:One Month Contract Award:4–6 weeks after completion of contract negotiations (November target date for NTP) 19