Delivering Better Business Outcomes with FileNet BPM Dr. Stuart Strolin Executive Architect Advanced Case Management TSB-3455A
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Agenda What are the business challenges that lead to BPM How does FileNET BPM address these challenges. Now ………… and into the future
5 Adding people Decreasing customer satisfaction Increasing costs Increasing exposure Impacting productivity Increasing response times Adding overhead What’s Driving Organizations? Increasing Productivity Become more competitive Increasing Customer Service Be more Innovative Reducing Risk Make Better Decisions Ensuring Compliance “The Relentless Quest for Competitive Advantage” How do you do this: Without doing this:
Business Process Management enables competitive advantage Software Business Processes Sales Finance Operations Partners Expertise Improved Performance Greater Visibility Agility and Innovations BPM is a discipline consisting of software and expertise to improve the performance, visibility, and agility of business processes and facilitate business innovation Customers
Different types of “processes” exist across industries and organizations
8 Different stakeholders have different needs. Address compliance requirements Control distributed environments Maintain consistent policies Automate related business processes BUSINESS MANAGERS CREATELEVERAGE Leverage existing investments Quickly build and deploy Ensure agility through open architecture and standards IT / DEVELOPERS MANAGE BUILD CONTENT AUTHORS Easily create and capture All types of content By people or processes BUSINESS USERS Access information in context of processes Use information to make better decisions, faster Find, share, and analyze CONTENT
9 IBM FileNet Business Process Manager has what it takes Process Engine Process Designer Visio Connector Real-time process monitoring dashboard to display & manage key performance indicators OLAP-based process analytics & reporting Integrated process execution & content repository for Active Content Configure case management & process applications Intelligent, high fidelity electronic forms for human steps in processes Define & run simulation scenarios to identify, optimize processes Provide two design modes for business & IT users with XPDL support Create BPMN template- based designs in MS Visio & import them to Process Designer eForms Designer Cognos Now! Limited Edition Cognos Now! Limited Edition Process Monitor Process Analyzer Content Engine Process Simulator Process Frameworks eForms Agile ECM Framework Design intelligent, high fidelity XML or pure HTML forms Web 2.0 dynamic content for contextual- collaboration & composite application Preconfigured process performance metrics for use with Cognos Now! Limited Edition Process Tracker View work in progress processes, manage participants, & modify associated content.
10 Modeling, Design & Simulation Visio Connector Process Designer – Diagram & Document Mode Process Designer – Design Mode
11 Quicker delivery of new capability for business users Forms BPF Mashups & Widgets
12 Process-Content Synergy IBM FileNet is a platform that fully leverages the process-content synergy and provides Content, Process & Compliance solutions A change in content launches a process – Active content Process changes content as it executes Content defines the context in which decision are made in processes Processes, rules, forms are content subject to versioning, search, etc. The foundation for Compliance – governance, risk & controls (GRC) Content-aware Process Process-aware Content
Escalations and SLAs taken care of …. Auto escalation –Process timers –Step deadlines Exception handling
14 “Self Service” – part of the process Automatically give customers visibility into the process Substantially reduce operational expense Substantially improve customer service 1. Application received 3. Policy Issued 2. Credit approved Order App received Credit Approval Policy Approval Setup Account Underwriting Verify App Closing Finalize loan type
15 Compliance as part of the process ….. Retain and Dispose Create and Use Records Lifecycle Process CaptureRecords Retain Records Legal Holds Business User Content Dispose of Records
16 Process Analytics, Reporting & Monitoring …. Process Analyzer Business Activity Monitor - BAM
17 All this leads to better business outcomes Intuitive representation Easily modified Automatic Audit Trail Reduced cost of ownership Promote re-use of Best Practices Maximize process agility and responsiveness
What PE on Java looks like …. © Sun Microsystems PE
Process Analytics from your browser
What is Case Management? What Advanced Capabilities are Needed? bringing people, process and information together … in context of a case There are collaborative, dynamic processes Work is knowledge intensive Content is essential for decision making Outcomes are goal- oriented Process is often not predetermined A solution pattern where…For challenges such as… Complex exception handling Complaint or dispute management Contract management Lending applications Benefits enrollment Rate case management … That requires unique capabilities from… Content management Business process management Collaboration tools Social software Business rules And analytics
Cases are BPM style applications that can be …… Traditional - Procedural Ad-hoc, enabled or created at runtime ……..or a dynamic mixture …….
23 Line of Business Legal Customer Service Executive EngineeringMarketing SharePoint Office apps Workplace XT BPF WEBi Windows Explorer Custom LOB App Quickr The complex landscape of UI’s is challenging ……
Better context drives better business outcomes Case Management Widgets are designed to provide context Easier for the user to be fluent Layout and style adjustable to role Support business activity The best outcomes are when they are ‘process aware’
and of course - ‘Case Aware’ Analytics
FileNet BPM the choice now and tomorrow Better Business Outcomes come from ….. –More and greater efficiency –Tackling the procedural and the ad-hoc –Providing better user context for performing activities –Providing better insights IBM FileNet BPM Delivers …. –Through continuous innovation –Enabling the use cases that occur in real world applications
For more on Case Management 3456A-A Walk-through of IBM's Vision for Case Management 2944A-Key Ingredients of an Advanced Case Management Solution 2943B-An Introduction to Case Management: It's Not Just for Cases
Discussion 29