3.3 American Parties Do Now: Can you be too open-minded?
Political Spectrum Left Right Radical---Progressive---Moderate---Conservative---Reactionary Change Status Quo
This slide is a placeholder for a Polleverwhere.com poll slide. Use the instructions included in the documents section to create a poll using the following question. How would you identify yourself on the political spectrum? Reactionary Conservative Moderate Progressive Radical
This slide is a placeholder for a Polleverwhere.com poll slide. Use the instructions included in the documents section to create a poll using the following question. How would you identify yourself on the political spectrum? Reactionary Conservative Progressive Radical
This slide is a placeholder for a Polleverwhere.com poll slide. Use the instructions included in the documents section to create a poll using the following question. Which political party do you identify with? Republican Democrat Other Party Independent
This slide is a placeholder for a Polleverwhere.com poll slide. Use the instructions included in the documents section to create a poll using the following question. If I was eligible in the previous election I would have voted. True False
This slide is a placeholder for a Polleverwhere.com poll slide. Use the instructions included in the documents section to create a poll using the following question. I would have voted for: Romney Obama Other
Party Self-Identification Use the Party Issue Identification Exercise to determine which party you would belong to if you followed the issues. Make sure to answer the open ended reflection at the end.
Jonathan Haidt Watch the following video to learn more about how people group themselves by political ideology. Maybe at the root it’s not really about issues?
Third Parties? This is a “Two-Party” system right? There aren’t any rules directly excluding other parties from taking part in politics. There are some other parties that are active in politics, though since reconstruction 99% of major politicians at the national level have been from a Major Party.
Libertarian Party The Libertarian Party is a party of small government. They believe that the government should serve only the most basic function as protector of rights.
Green Party The Green Party is focused on environmentalism, civil rights, social justice, non-violence and anti- corporatism.
3.3 Assignment Answer the following questions in one cohesive essay. Can you be too open-minded? Does Jonathan Haidt’s open-minded distinction make sense to you in the context of American Politics? Or does his measures of ideology make more sense (harm, fairness, ingroup, authority, purity)? Do you fit well into a single major party? Or are you a mixture? Or are you a third party rebel?