Political Ideology Roll Call Question: Supersoaker or Nerfgun?
Mental Floss Objective: 3.2 – Formulate your political ideology Vocab: Democrats Republicans National Conventions Party Platform Plank Questions: What type of party system does America use? Someone on the far left of the Political Spectrum would be considered a… What type of government was created by the Constitution?
Mental Floss Answers We use a two-party system. There have usually always been two major political parties in America Radical Representative Democracy (Republic)
Reminders! Amendments Project Due: March 18 th Counts the same as a test grade Keep Checking PowerSchool to make sure you are not missing any assignment. Last day late work will be accepted 3/18.
Student of the Unit
Today’s Quiz Quiz on 3.8 will be moved until tomorrow. It will also include Rights, Duties, Responsibilities Citizenship and Immigration Types of Gov’t When you finish, complete the political ideology inventory
Political Spectrum Left Wing Right Wing Radical ex. Black Panthers Moderate *Where most Americans fall Reactionary ex. KKK LiberalConservative Democrat Republican
Political Spectrum Radical - quick change, use violence (ex. Black Panthers) Liberals - Peaceful change, social welfare Moderate – Middle (share views with liberals and conservatives)
Political Spectrum Conservative – Stay the same; Cautious about change; less government Reactionary - the way they were”;use violence (ex. KKK)
Political Party What is a political party? group of people with common interests How do you become a member of a political party? Declare yourself a member when you register to vote
Two Party System – Began with ratification of the Constitution FEDERALISTS “the rich well-born” Stronger federal gov’t Disappeared in 1816 ANTI-FEDERALISTS “common man” limited role of gov’t V.
Anti-Federalists became Democratic Republicans DEMOCRATIC PARTY 1828 Andrew Jackson southern and northern DONKEY WHIG PARTY (Nat’l Republicans) REPUBLICAN PARTY (G.O.P = Grand Old Party) 1854 Abe Lincoln ELEPHANT DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICANS the election of 1800 (Jefferson/Madison)
Political Party Symbols
Functions of Political Parties Nominate Candidates Inform Voters Ensure candidates are qualified Help govern in Congress and State Legislatures Act as watchdogs especially of officials of other parties
Party Organization National Conventions – nominate candidates Party Platform – ideas, beliefs, programs of the party (voted on at the Nat’l Convention)
Personal responsibility Limited government Free markets Individual liberty Traditional American values Strong national defense Role of government – provide people with the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems Governmental action to achieve equal opportunity for all It is the duty of the State to alleviate social ills and protect civil liberties and individual and human rights It is the role of the government to guarantee that no one is in need Believe that people are basically good Emphasize the need for the government to solve people’s problems Republican Party Democratic Party
It is the oldest political party in the United States and arguably the oldest party in the world. President Obama is a democrat The Democratic Party is the more liberal party. Normally pass higher tax policy in order to have more social programs.
Republican Party It is often referred to as the Grand Old Party or the GOP. Founded in 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers. Abe Lincoln was the 1 st Republican president elected. Today, the Republican Party supports a pro-business platform. It stands for lower taxes and more individual economic independence. It is considered to be the more conservative party.
Political Platform A list of the principles or beliefs supported by a person or party Equal protection for everyone Plank – each individual beliefs in a platform Illegal immigrants earn citizenship
What did the 2012 Candidates Believe? BARACK OBAMAMITT ROMNEY Issues.html
Political Ideology Spectrum RadicalLiberalModerateConservativeReactionary So Where Do You Fall??? Complete your Political Ideology Inventory to find out where you fall on the political spectrum. On the back of the inventory draw & label the political ideology spectrum Conservative 1B, 2B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 10B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 17B, 18B, 19B 3A, 7A, 8A, 9A, 11A, 12A, 16A, 20A Liberal 1A, 2A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 10A, 13A, 14A, 15A, 17A, 18A, 19A 3B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 11B, 12B, 16B, 20B
Classroom Campaign Time!!! Due by the end of the class: Platform and 5 Planks Job Duties Slogan Looking ahead: 3/10 – Bumper Sticker or Buttons 3/11 – 5 Posters 3/14 – Speech Day 3/15 – Commercial Day* 3/16 – Newsletter Due 3/17 – Election Day