Issues for Computer Users, Electronic Devices, Computer and Safety
Objectives Internet. Summarize the dangers of sharing personal information on the Internet. Explain how cookies and global unique identifiers endanger privacy. Identify techniques that intruders use to attack computer systems. Discuss different types of cybercrime. Summarize how computer crime costs businesses money.
Objectives Describe ways criminals obtain passwords. Discuss ways to protect your computer from being accessed by others. Explain the criteria of a strong password. Summarize ways to stay safe online. Cyber Bullying Computer Ethics You Tube Video
Key Terms Global Unique Identifier (GUID) Computer Crime Cybercrime Downtime Identity Theft Phishing
Key Terms Scanning Software Piracy Spoof Virus Worm Trojan Horse
Key Terms Time Bomb Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property Project (CHIP) National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)
Introduction Computers are tools and, like other tools, they are controlled by the person using them. People can use computers to learn, to communicate, and to have fun. However, people can also use computers to snoop into another person’s private life or to commit crimes.
Privacy Online Privacy in Cyberspace Many consumers share personal information about themselves, their habits, and their finances. Sometime, however, such information is gathered without a person’s knowledge or approval.
Privacy Online Privacy in Cyberspace New Technology and Your Privacy Cookies is a small file that is saved to your hard drive when you visit some Web sites. Cookies gives Web sites a way of storing information about you in return. bal Unique Identifiers is a unique identification Global Unique Identifiers is a unique identification number that is generated by a piece of hardware or by a program.
Used to set the level of your Internet Security
All About Cybercrime Cybercrime Techniques Many cybercrimes are based on the ability of people to tap illegally into computer networks. They may create a virus, worm, or Trojan Horse program to infiltrate computers and damage or delete data. Viruses are destructive computer programs that can move from one operating system to another.
All About Cybercrime Cybercrime Techniques Scanning - intruders develop programs that try many different passwords until one works. However, networks can be blocked from scanners by limiting the number of failed attempts to log onto the system. After three password failures, for instance, the network can refuse access.
All About Cybercrime Spoofing – intruders use a false Internet Protocol (IP) or address to gain access. Intruders assume the IP address of a trusted source to enter a secure network and distribute s contain Viruses.
All About Cybercrime Phishing – criminals use an official-looking to lure victims into giving personal data such as user name, passwords, bank account numbers, or credit card details. Time Bombs – are malicious programs is activated by an event or set of circumstances.
All About Cybercrime Types of Cybercrime Fraud – When someone steals your personal information, he or she can impersonate you and make credit card purchases in your name or access your bank accounts. This is called Identity theft. Software piracy – is the illegal copying of computer programs. Software piracy affects software publishers. They lose money when people use illegal copies of programs to avoid paying for legitimate copies
All About Cybercrime Types of Cybercrime Cyber-bullying – is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm or harass other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. As it has become more common in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to combat it.
The High Cost of Computer Crimes The Internet has opened the door to new kinds of crime and new ways of carrying out traditional crimes. Cyber Crimes involves Internet. using the Internet. Computer crime is any act that violates state or federal laws and involves using a computer. Computer crime causes businesses to lose money in the following ways.
The High Cost of Computer Crimes Downtime – workers cannot work because a network is temporarily not available. A company can lose business if customers are affected by downtime.
Fighting Cybercrimes There are several government organizations that assist in fighting Cybercrimes. Computer Crime and Intellectual Property section c (CCIPS) – The Department of Justice created a s special group to advise and train federal prosecutors and local law enforcement on Cybercrime.
Fighting Cybercrimes Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property a section (CHIP) – law enforcement officials and utors work together to pursue cybercrime. prosecutors work together to pursue cybercrime. National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) – ensures that the nation’s computer system could continue to operate in the case of an attack.
Avoiding Cybercrime Password Theft Many computer crimes start when an unauthorized user hacks, or gains unauthorized entry, into a computer network. This often happens when the intruder learns the password to access the victim’s computer and the network. Following are ways such criminals learn passwords. such criminals learn passwords. Packet sniffers – a method of finding another’s passwords and card numbers.
Protecting Your Personal Data Using Strong Password – Whenever you create a password, don’t use things like family names, four letter nicknames, or birth dates. You should use a combination of at least six to ten Upper - and l, numbers, and symbols (*, #, $, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (*, #, $, %, or &).
Protecting Your Personal Data Avoid Site Registration – do not fill out a registration form unless the site clearly says that the data will not be shared with other people without your approval.
Cyber Etiquette for Students