Primary Science APP Assessing Pupil Progress (APP) as a tool for effective Teacher Assessment in Primary Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Primary Science APP Assessing Pupil Progress (APP) as a tool for effective Teacher Assessment in Primary Science

A proposal for an AZSTT Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU) This CPD Unit will be produced by Ron Bibby (Surrey LA), Nicola Beverley (Lincolnshire LA), Lynne Horton (North Tyneside LA) and Chris Banbury (Independent consultant working in Cornwall LA) The CPD Unit will be based on the APP Primary Science Pilot led by QCDA in the four local authorities named above. The four will be working with the schools who took part in the pilot and other schools from the four LA’s. Primary Science APP

Primary Science APP CPD unit will be a series of activities designed to encourage science co-ordinators and teachers in: Getting to know the elements of APP and what is appropriate evidence Identifying assessment opportunities in planning and develop learning sequences that offer APP opportunities Achieving an understanding of ‘levelness’ using Standards Files Moderating evidence of children’s learning Developing assessments that go beyond Science into other APP areas

Primary Science APP In addition the Primary Science APP CPD unit will: Recognise that the traditional model of centrally delivered and cascaded training has been ineffective in meeting local needs. Some central CPD is very good and works!! Particularly, when combined with consultancy. However, in many areas, there is the lack of local specialist primary science support thus. Offer science co-ordinators material so they can institute professional development within their own settings.

Primary Science APP Some background APP is a structured approach to in-school assessment that covers Key Stages 1-3 with all subjects in KS3 (whilst at present) and a suite of APP resources comprised of Mathematics, Writing & Reading, Science and Speaking & Listening in the Primary phase. The National Strategy have provided considerable support for Primary Numeracy and Literacy in the introduction and development of APP. At present there are not plans to provide similar support for Primary Science APP. There may be some limited support nationally to ‘train the trainers’, delivered by the National Strategy. There has been a considerable body of work over the last few years in developing non test based assessment. The work of Black & William along with that of Shirley Clarke has begun to show impact. In addition, in the context of Primary Science, there has been significant contributions from Keogh & Naylor, Goldsworthy and a number of Local Authorities.

Primary Science APP Why might teachers use these activities? Teachers will gain confidence in Developing their own assessment skills and understanding of the APP process Using assessment in Science as an integral part of learning Using a variety of non test based assessment techniques to generate evidence

Primary Science APP Why..assessment skills Analysis of CPD needs and training responses indicates primary teachers are less confident when asked to assess science. This lack of confidence is greater when they are asked to assess science process skills. Much centrally led training both at national and LA level has focussed on developing assessment systems related to the needs of the KS2 Science SAT rather than science as a whole. External inspections have given National test data a status beyond what it warrants and have regarded Teacher Assessment as less important.

Primary Science APP Why… confidence A significant part of the APP assessment grid for Science was written by secondary specialists (Levels 3-8). This presents issues of both terminology and teacher understanding for non specialist primary teachers. Two of the five assessment focuses appear at first sight to be new to the primary phase. AF1 Thinking Scientifically and AF2 Implications and Applications of Science are areas where teachers have identified they lack confidence in embedding them into their teaching.

Primary Science APP Why …….. non test based The culture of the last few years has often been to assess all four attainment targets through the use of test material either from the SATs or from the many commercial sources. This reliance has both deskilled teachers and created a climate that questions the validity of other techniques. In addition though the use of assessment techniques that go beyond the written there is an opportunity to construct assessments that can produce evidence not just for Science but for say Speaking & Listening or Mathematics

Primary Science APP Getting to know Science APP What is AF2: Applications/ Implications Of Science What is AF1: Thinking Scientifically? What is appropriate evidence? Video examples of evidence and its collection Ideas of the different forms of evidence that are appropriate Planning a learning sequence? Examples of sequences that generate evidence Video of teachers planning sequence Building an evidence base Moderating evidence of children’s learning Examples of evidence base, Video examples of the moderation process Link to requirements of APP Examples of techniques of Collecting evidence, Possible structure of the CPD Unit

to inform and enhance planning for developing children’s learning Primary Science APP Using information gained from APP Video examples of collaborative planning using APP evidence Video examples of teachers giving feedback Video examples of children talking about how to improve Examples of modified planning Examples of feedback Possible structure of the CPD Unit cont’d

Primary Science APP Section: Getting to know Science APP Section will contain basic information on Science APP with links to APP material on National Strategies web site. With an emphasis on being able to find what you need and developing the underlying principles of good assessment.

Primary Science APP Section: What is appropriate evidence? This significant section looks to develop teachers skills in identifying appropriate evidence from the widest range of sources. Exemplars from both in the classroom and beyond (e.g. using a science week) would be used. Exemplars using art, drama, poetry, music etc would be shown. The use of ICT would also feature with the emphasis on showing how social devices such as IPods and mobile phones can generate valid evidence. Exemplars of child initiated recording will be sort

Primary Science APP Section: Planning a learning sequence? This section would take topics such as forces [gravity, air resistance etc], reversible and irreversible changes etc that primary teachers find the hardest to teach. It would use these topics as the basis for teaching sequences and show how the activities can be used to generate APP evidence. Exemplar material and video of teacher’s explaining how they would use such sequences.

Primary Science APP Section: Building an evidence base Exploring through, case studies, video clips, teacher interviews and related material how different teachers and schools have gone about the task of collecting evidence for APP. Link to planning and effective management of evidence collection. Use of IT to record and store APP information

Primary Science APP Section: Moderating evidence of children’s learning Moderation is central to the APP approach to ensure consistency of judgements both within the school and beyond. The process should check that appropriate standards have been applied consistently. This section will look at possible model of moderation and how they can be organised. Case study material and video clips will provide the main content.

Primary Science APP Section: Using information gained from APP This section divided into two parts 1.for developing children’s learning This section would show, through case studies, video material and exemplars how.teachers can use APP information in conjunction with children's own self assessment to identify their next steps in learning 2. to inform and enhance planning Using the information gained through identify strengths and next steps for each child so that teachers can review and modify their planning. Case study and video material would feature strongly.

Primary Science APP Evaluation The is an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the unit, primary science APP and the ideas developed in this unit.

Primary Science APP For further information please contact Ron Bibby Phone