PRES 2017 and beyond
PRES Consultation Open until end of May In response to feedback from sector Aim is to inform development and future strategy of PRES Informs development of both PRES 2017 and further This summary of results is the response as of 4 th April 2016
Consultation response Flexible window positives: could run in survey season, better timing for part-time students and professional doctorate students, more time for students to respond Flexible window neithers: no impact and will not move from current window Flexible window negatives: delay in availability of results As of 4th April 2016
Consultation response Doctoral training and career positives: Useful to reflect professional doctorate experience and taught experience of PGRs generally, useful to reflect on connection between professional doctorate and career Doctoral training and career negatives: Difficult to route and so need pre-population for professional doctorate questions, many different models of professional doctorate As of 4th April 2016
Consultation response Engagement module positives: Further benchmarking opportunity, helpful measure, explore engagement with development and training Engagement module negatives: Need to ensure relevant to all kinds of students, survey already long and convoluted As of 4th April 2016
Consultation response Understand provision positives: Generally beneficial where applicable, distinction between graduate school and departmental provision would also be useful Understand provision negatives: Complex area with international provision and employer support important also, some institutions already collect this feedback through other mechanisms As of 4th April 2016
Consultation response Publication of group quartiles positives: Greater clarity can aid accountability Publication of group quartiles negatives: Possibility of information being misconstrued As of 4th April 2016
Consultation response Publication of institutional result positives: Gives more weight to PRES results, similar to NSS Publication of institutional result negatives: Will encourage ‘gaming’ of results, benchmarking is complex due to different mix of students, concerns about absence of context with ‘bald’ figures As of 4th April 2016
Consultation response summary As of 4th April 2016
PRES Consultation Open until end of May In response to feedback from sector Aim is to inform development and future strategy of PRES Informs development of both PRES 2017 and further A continuing conversation Possible further discussions on the frequency of PRES