7 조 김세기 김효림 변다 희 안재홍 이탁형 최연 화
Contents 1About kt 2IO View 3Michael Porter’s 5 Forces 4SWOT Analysis 54P Analysis
About kt Global No. 1 Company Name kt Date of Establishment December 10, 1981 CEO Chang-Gyu Hwang Head Office 90, Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam City, Gyeonggi Province
About kt Company history Established Internet service Megapass The company became privatized The integration of KT + KTF LTE service LTE - WARP Broadband LTE service
About kt kt Holdings
Phone Olleh Services Internet UHD TV Bundle Mobile
Contents 1About kt 2IO View 3Michael Porter’s 5 Forces 4SWOT Analysis 54P Analysis
IO View Economic Socio- cultural Natural Techno- logical Legal Political Demo- graphic KT Industry Environment Competitor Environment
IO View 1)Natural2) Technology
IO View 3) Economic 통신서비스 시장 매출액 4) Demographic
IO View 5) Cultural 6) Political / Legal
Contents 1About kt 2IO View 3Michael Porter’s 5 Forces 4SWOT Analysis 54P Analysis
Competitive rivarly with an industry 1)Market Share : Oliogopoly
Competitive rivarly with an industry 2) Competitor Analysis
Michael Porter’s 5 Forces 2) Threats of new entrants - Foreign telecommunications corporations - The 4th new mobile-service company 3) Threats of substitute product - Voice & text message from Kakaotalk 4) Bargaining power of suppliers - Whether the mobile product can be provided from manufacturing company like Samsung, Apple 5) Bargaining power of customers - decreasing usage fee for customer
Contents 1About kt 2IO View 3Michael Porter’s 5 Forces 4SWOT Analysis 54P Analysis
SWOT Analysis Strength 1 st The most number of Base Stations 2 nd Landline phone Market share
SWOT Analysis Strength The fastest Giga Wi-Fi
SWOT Analysis Weakness Conflict with 2g service users
SWOT Analysis Weakness Appointment by orders from above
SWOT Analysis Weakness personnel expenses
SWOT Analysis Opportunity Law to restrict phone subsidies: Gradual market stabilization
SWOT Analysis Opportunity Investment for Developing Countries
SWOT Analysis Opportunity New technology environment changes
SWOT Analysis Threat Decreasing competitiveness in the landline market
SWOT Analysis Threat Growth slowdown, No potential customers
SWOT Analysis Threat Invasion from foreign countries
Contents 1About kt 2IO View 3Michael Porter’s 5 Forces 4SWOT Analysis 54P Analysis
4P Analysis Product 1) offering variety of payment system - Customer segmentation - 연령별 요금제, LTE WARP 요금제, 홈 결합요금제 등 2) providing various products - Except mobile products - 인터넷, 집전화, TV, 키봇 2, 스마트 홈 상품, 금융상품 등
4P Analysis Price 1) There is no big difference between the rates of the 3 companies 2) 순액요금제 Discount without any year-long -Only KT has just started this service
4P Analysis Place 1) A number of Base Stations and Retailers 2) 광화문 Olleh-Square Comebines their services with customer’s lifestyle Café shopping concert 3) Olleh-Shop Manage the online stores. Detailed information about applications, peripherals and services
4P Analysis Promotion 1) offering LTE speed-measure experiencing zone Visitors can compare the difference between LTE and non-LTE service in person 2) Co-operation with other companies Convenience stores Restaurants Cafes – Expanded Wifi-zones 3) The first provider of the applications of Apple To support people use I-Pad
4P Analysis Promotion 4) LTE-A Advertisement 5) Social Contribution IT 나눔 : 소외계층 IPTV 지원 Provide IP TV to those neglected 사랑나눔 : 사랑의 봉사단 KT made up of employees 꿈품센터 (21places) 문화나눔 : 광화문 Olleh-Square, KT Chamber Hall
4P Analysis Promotion 6) Sports Teams Basketball, E-Sports, Shooting, Hockey, Golf, 10 th team in Baseball - To make customers feel friendly to KT 7) SNS – To handle customer complaint & inquiry fast → To increase customer-satisfaction
Result Global No. 1
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