DF ALTO IN2P3 DF ISOLDE CERN SPES INFN SPIRAL2 GANIL MYRRHA SCK-CEN … COPIN EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) Initiative H. Savajols – Convenor WG4 “Spectrometers & detectors”
DF 2 LNL-SPES JYL CERN-ISOLDE ALTO-CNRS EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) GANIL-SPIRAL2 Members Initially: GANIL-SPIRAL2 HIE-ISOLDE/CERN SPES-INFN Members Initially: GANIL-SPIRAL2 HIE-ISOLDE/CERN SPES-INFN Project to be submitted for the 2018 update of the ESFRI roadmap Candidate - future facility: Smaller scale ISOL facilities: ALTO, JYFL? EURISOL MoU member: COPIN Consortium Poland COPIN
DF Where we want to go? Goals of the EURISOL-DF project: Goals : Prepare strong scientific case for RIB science and applications Support, upgrade, optimize and coordinate ISOL-based European facilities and projects as a necessary step towards EURISOL Foster R&D on RIB production and Instrumentation towards EURISOL Get EURISOL-DF on the ESFRI list as a candidate project by 2018 EURISOL as a single site facility as a long term goal EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) Initiative
DF ALTO IN2P3 Where we want to go? EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) Initiative EURISOL Science Case & Experiments Dedicated beamtime for EURISOL-DF experiments Dedicated EURISOL-DF Scientific Council & PAC R&D for EURISOL Dedicated Technical Advisory Committee Legal entity (ERIC,…) EURISOL Science Case & Experiments Dedicated beamtime for EURISOL-DF experiments Dedicated EURISOL-DF Scientific Council & PAC R&D for EURISOL Dedicated Technical Advisory Committee Legal entity (ERIC,…) Proposed EURISOL-DF scheme: DF ISOLDE CERN SPES INFN SPIRAL2 GANIL MYRRHA SCK-CEN … COPIN
DF Methodology (1) Working groups (Science, technical R&D, legal structure,…) 1.Science & applications (together with EURISOL User Group?): Coordinator R. Raabe Define complementarities in programs of each facility Joint meeting of SC of all facilities? 2.Technical R&D – accelerators: Coordinator A. Facco 3.Technical R&D – beam handling, targets and ion sources: Coordinator M. Borge 4.Technical R&D – spectrometers & detectors: Coordinator H. Savajols 5.EURISOL-DF & relationships with ESFRI & EC and its future legal structure: Coordinator: A. Bracco Is ERIC possible/acceptable for all partners? Other legal structures? EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) Initiative
DF EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) Initiative Tasks of Working Groups Based on the EURISOL-DF context described above and the worldwide international competition, the role of the working groups is to: prepare science & application case of EURISOL-DF propose necessary R&D in the domain of accelerators, RI beam handling, targets and ion sources, spectrometers & detectors to be performed by the EURISOL-DF partners towards EURISOL propose the legal framework for EURISOL-DF and the methodology to ensure a coherent and efficient interaction with ESFRI, NuPECC, European Commission and national ministries and funding agencies. The report of the Working Groups should contain information allowing to prepare the EURISOL-DF proposal to be submitted for the ESFRI roadmap 2018 update following the ESFRI submission Form
DF EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) Initiative March 10th 2016, EURISOL SC meeting Trento – WGs Status Draft reports of WG submitted to the EURISOL Steering Committee by April 15 th, 2016 Final reports of WG submitted to the EURISOL Steering Committee by June 1 st, 2016 Deliverables and milestones 1.Presentation of EURISOL-DF and round table session at the EURORIB’15 conference: June 7-12, 2015 in Hohenroda, Germany 2.Reports of the WG by June Draft of the full EURISOL-DF proposal by September EPS Conference dedicated to EURISOL-DF in Autumn Submission of the EURISOL-DF project to ESFRI by March 2017 Schedule of actions for EURISOL-DF proposal:
DF EURISOL – Distributed Facility (DF) Initiative Members
DF EURISOL – DF Helpful Documentation Final report of the Physics&Instrumentation task of EURISOL-NET January 19, 2015 on 7:49 pm | In Eurisol user group news, Physics and Instrumentation, User Group | No Comments The final report of the Physics&Instrumentation task of EURISOL-NET is now available at 5th EURISOL Topical Meeting 2014 “Innovative Instrumentation for EURISOL” December 20, 2013 on 1:53 pm | In Conferences, Eurisol user group news, Physics and Instrumentation, User Executive Committee, User Group | 1 CommentConferencesEurisol user group newsPhysics and InstrumentationUser Executive CommitteeUser Group1 Comment
DF ENSAR 2 JRAs PASPAG: Particle and gamma detection PSeGe: AGATA detector + applications TheoS: Theory of Nuclear Structure & Reactions RESIST: Resonant ionisation techniques for separators SATNuRSE: Simulations and analysis tools EURISOL facility (all stages) TecHIBA: Stable ion beams + medical isotopes Synergies with ENSAR 2 JRAs
DF EURISOL – DF WG4 – Spectrometer & Detectors WG4.1 : Instrumentation for beam handling Storage rings Separators, spectrometers Traps WG4.2 : Instrumentation for radiation detection Charged particles Gamma-rays Neutrons Electrons WG4.3 : Spectroscopic techniques Electron scattering Fast timing Recoil Decay tagging Ground state properties WG4.4 : Instrumentation technique for Application WG4.5 : Electronics – DAQ - Computing Proposed classification :
DF GANIL/SPIR AL2 MYRRHA ALTOCOPIN JYU… WG4.1 : Instrumentation for beam handling Storage rings Separators, spectrometers VAMOS LISE WF S3 RFQ+HRS- DESIR MR-TOF-MS Traps MLLTRAP PIEPERADE LPC-TRAP … EURISOL – DF WG4 – Spectrometers & Detectors Identification of “innovative” instrumentation for EURISOL Red : Travelling equipments for EURISOL type experiments Blue : In house equipments for EURISOL type experiments
DF GANIL/SPIR AL2 MYRRHA ALTOCOPIN JYUEU WG4.2 : Instrumentation for radiation detection Charged particles ACTAR_TPC GASPARD FAZIA Gamma-rays PARIS EXOGAM2 TAS AGATA Neutrons NEDA MONSTER TETRA Electrons EURISOL – DF WG4 – Spectrometer & Detectors Red : Travelling equipments Blue : In house equipments Identification of “innovative” instrumentation for EURISOL
DF GANIL/S PIRAL2 MYRRHA ALTOCOPIN JYU… WG4.3 : Spectroscopic techniques Electron scattering Fast timing Recoil Decay tagging SIRIUS Ground state properties S3-LEB LUMIERE EURISOL – DF WG4 – Spectrometers & Detectors Red : Travelling equipments Blue : In house equipments Identification of “innovative” instrumentation for EURISOL
DF R&DIndustrial partners WG4.1 : Instrumentation for beam handling Storage rings Separators, spectrometers Traps WG4.2 : Instrumentation for radiation detection Charged particles Gamma-rays Neutrons WG4.3 : Spectroscopic techniques Electron scatteing Fast timing Recoil Decay tagging Ground state properties Identification of substantial R&D needed in future & possible collaboration with industrial partners EURISOL – DF WG4 – Spectrometers & Detectors
DF PART C: IMPLEMENTATION EURISOL – DF Proposal Guideline 5.2 Design study Has a design study been carried out with formal national, European and/or international support? (maximum 1000 characters with spacing) (WG 2,3,4) Please upload references and outcome. (Maximum 1 MB) Concerning the Technical Design Report (TDR): are all the relevant technologies available or substantial R&D is needed (how many years) in order to assess the full technical feasibility and draw a reliable cost-book? (WG 2,3,4) (maximum 1000 characters with spacing) Is industrial capacity already in place (EU or international market) or does it need to be developed/installed in relation to the project (spin off companies, joint- ventures)? (maximum 2000 characters with spacing) (WG 2,3,4)
DF PART C: IMPLEMENTATION EURISOL – DF Proposal 10. FINANCIAL ASPECTS AND COMMITMENTS 10.1 What are the current cost estimates and budget projections, construction/implementation, operation and, if applicable, for decommissioning? Please indicate the confidence levels of your estimates. Please indicate if they are based on suppliers’ quotations.(maximum 4000 characters with spacing) (WG 2,3,4) Please upload cost models and cost-book analysis, if available. In case of distributed RI, please take into account estimates for hub, national nodes and main upgrades (maximum 1 MB). (WG 2,3,4)
DF 11. FEASIBILITY AND RISKS 11.1 Are there scientific developments or competing projects elsewhere that could affect the research foreseen at the infrastructure? (WG 1,2,3,4,5) (maximum 1000 characters with spacing) 11.2 What are the risks that in your view could delay, increase costs of or make realisation of the infrastructure tasks impossible? Do you have any specific technical risks? Have you undertaken a technical options analysis? (WG 2,3,4) (maximum 1000 characters with spacing) 11.3 What are the main schedule uncertainties? (maximum 1000 characters with spacing) (WG 2,3,4,5) 11.4 Please identify the main technological and construction/operation-related challenges and how the RI will tackle them. (maximum 2000 characters with spacing) (WG 2,3,4) EURISOL – DF Proposal
DF Methodology ? Schedule of actions ? EURISOL – DF Proposal