Indiana BMV Customer Service Enhancement Phase II September 2011 Focusing on overall visit times in branch and contact center.


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Presentation transcript:

Indiana BMV Customer Service Enhancement Phase II September 2011 Focusing on overall visit times in branch and contact center

The BMV Customer Service Model

Branch Measurements The historical “Visit time” measurement has been restricted by available technology and expense. – Thus, Measurement only captured transaction time. Branch staffing model was based on historical visit time data, resulting in a “rule of thumb” approach (12,500 transactions/CSR/Year). Branch process model (expediting vs. non-expediting) solely based on # of transactions at branch.

Intended &Unintended consequences Critical security enhancements in the credential process, such as SecureID and Facial Recognition, have increased transaction times in branch. Creating “customer choice” convenient methods to transact business with the BMV has changed the mix and complexity of branch transactions. – 70% of all Registration renewals (our simplest transaction) are now conducted out of the branch, thus reducing overall volumes but leaving the more complex transactions to be done in the branch. – Overall, 55% of all transactions are conducted outside of the branch. Since visit times reflected only a “transaction” time, it was not “coordinated” effectively with our “productivity/efficiency” requirements. Because the productivity/efficiency metrics were the predominate aspect of the incentive plan, staffing levels were intentionally minimized by branch management to ensure better efficiency levels. – Operating at 50 positions below authorized levels. Finally recognized that Visit time truly equals customer satisfaction! – We are now actually concerned about the customer in the wait area too! Tuesdays & Saturdays are consistently our busiest days (shown in red on chart in 3 slides).

Visit Improvement Initiative to manage overall visit times

Stealth Touch Screens Accurately captures overall visit time from minute customer walks in until the time they pay, allowing for high performance government services that deliver the desired outcomes. Removes the historical visit time veil and balances productivity. Provides outstanding data for management: – Que monitoring at CSR desktop (who’s next & how long they have been waiting). – Real time reporting for BM’s allowing them to respond to circumstances presented. – Real time monitoring for Regional Managers using new mgt tools. Creates sophisticated model for: – Staffing formula. – Expediting procedures. – Process improvement / cost reduction opportunities. Largest 69 branches deployed, 14 in process (represents 80% of all visits). Current Average Overall Visit Time – MTD September 14:33 min. KPI: Less than 20 minutes

Visit Time During Pilot

Tools Now Available Real Time Reporting & Monitoring Alerts to RM and Lead Team – “New Haven - 30 Minute Wait Time Alert” Visit Time and Branch Photo available on BlackBerries Allows branch management to react as circumstances present themselves. – Call RM for additional staff – Floor expedite if waiting over 10 minutes – Communicate to customers in branch about problems or issues creating longer wait times

New Data Reporting

Branch Management Focus Instill sense of urgency / React to circumstances Enhance customer service Culture / Communicate with customers. Optimize staffing (balance productivity with visit times). Improve processes / Reduce costs Simply allows BM to better manage their branch with a “common sense” management approach. Revise KPI’s. Update incentives to inspire outstanding performance.

Add’l Stealth Tools in Development As more data is captured, we will have a greater understanding of customer behavior through transaction distribution (hour by hour, day by day, etc), enhancing our ability to forecast as opposed to only reacting as we do today. This could possibly assist in the smoothing of customer flow. Currently programming system to collect number of customers that come to the branch, but don’t generate a “visit” because they didn’t have the proper documentation, forgot their credit card, etc. – Allows for a better staffing formula. Current formula doesn’t recognize this activity at all. Time is still invested with these customers, even though a formal “visit” has not been generated. Detailed view of all ticketed visits by branch and day; shows start time, wait time, end time and status of all visits, should we ever need to investigate a transaction in the future. The possibilities for improvement are endless with this management tool!

KPI Current Metrics: Green= less than 20 minutes (avg) Yellow= less than 30 minutes (avg) Red= 30 minutes or more (avg)

Contact Center Enhancement Customer-centric changes in the contact center have drastically reduced the number of complaints. – “one call, one resolution” results driven philosophy allows CSR the time to resolve the customers problem/issue on the first touch. – Realizing a true “culture change” as experienced in branches several years ago. – Another BMV success.

BMV Contact Center Q4 FY Q4 FY 2011 Call Handling MonthCalls AnsweredStaffingAverage Wait TimeCalls/CSRNote 10-Apr49,918300:00:321, May44,064290:00:221, Jun54,860340:00:261, Jul50,242370:00:221, Aug53,728370:00:131, Sep58,576440:00:091, Oct64,723450:00:091, Nov65,590480:00:081, Dec84,244490:00:141, Jan101,978450:01:352,266 Branch Calls Forwarded 11-Feb92,236450:06:222,050 Automated Payments 11-Mar121,577480:06:132, Apr103,797500:03:022, May102,743500:06:042,055 Zero Out Option 11-Jun109,881560:11:041, Jul110,178670:08:591,644

Timeline of changes in CC system Accomplishments ProjectActionsCompleted Drive Test Scheduling Customers can schedule drive test through the Contact Center Q4 FY 2010 ZIP Code LocatorAdded to IVR Self Service TreeQ1 FY 2010 Branch Call ForwardingAll 139 Branch Calls Forwarded to Contact CenterQ1 FY 2010 Automated Phone PaymentsAdded Automated Payment System to IVRQ3 FY 2011 Hired 22 AssociatesTrained and Hired 22 Additional CSR'sQ4 FY 2011 Hired 3 Contractors and 3 College Students Helped take payments so seasoned staff could handle customer calls Q4 FY 2011 BMV Field Manual FAQ/Quick Reference & Scripting for Contact Center Q4 FY 2011

Impact of changes on CC channels Calls Offered to Contact Center Queues Calls Serviced by IVR

All Branch calls are received in the Contact center, freeing up branch staff to process transactions. MTD August average CC wait time to speak with a CSR is = 6 min. and 46 sec. Managing staffing levels to meet objectives. Implemented Contact Center Dual Monitor Information System (CCDMIS) giving our CSR’s a 2 nd monitor so they can display the customer record and the BMV “Field Manual Help System” for faster and more consistent resolutions to inquiries. Re-write of Self Service Tree to be more customer friendly and convenient. Working toward conversational inquiries, as well. Achievements

KPI Current metrics: Green= < 6 minute wait time Yellow= < 10 minute wait time Red= > 10 minute wait time