Excellence in Performance Based Logistics Presented at: PSM Workshop 6 April 2016 Presented by: Dave Repsch, NAVSUP WSS ARC-210 Supply Planner Aaron Maue, Director Rockwell Collins Americas Government Service Solutions AN/ARC-210
NAVSUP WSS LCDR Kelly House, Common Systems Director Lucy Forgione, Common Systems Deputy Director LCDR Don McIntyre Common Systems Branch Head Aneesah Thompson, Common Systems Deputy Branch Head Emily McCambridge, Logistics Management Team Lead David Repsch, Logistics Element Manager Brian Roberts, Equipment Specialist Charlie Hagee, Contracting Branch Head Tangela Randolph, Contracting Officer Irena Cepele, Contracting Officer Paul Klevan, Supply Chain Solutions Deputy Director Joseph Laub, PBL Coordinator Colin Shanta, Engineering Mike Versic, Pricefighters Cesar Carpio, Price Fighters Robert Huesser, CAV Analyst Sherryl Mustin, PBL/LECP Budget Supervisor Mary Duffy, PBL Budget Support Ryan Aurilia, PBL Budget Support Thomas Ferguson, PBL Budget Support Barbara Carroll, PBL Pricing Support Michael Boland, Office of Counsel CAPT Matt Ott, Aviation Operations Director CAPT Cody Hodges, Contracting Director Tom Marks, Deputy Aviation Operations Director Barbara Johnson, Deputy Contracting Director Lori Chofnas, Head Counsel Ron Stein, Deputy Comptroller Rockwell Collins Kristine Irish, Sr. Program Manager Dave Christian, Contract Manager Lynette Dolder, Service Center Manager Lynette Koffron, Sr. Logistics Manager Sheila Wallace, Manager Order Administration Amanda McWherter, Customer Account Specialist Cindy Lyall, Customer Account Specialist Joseph Grandstaff, ILS Manager Lloyd Swanson, Reliability Manager Shirley Redmond, Repair Facilitator Troy Ralfs, Manufacturing Electrical Engineer Will Adam, Operations Facilitator Mike Nelson, Manager CR Service Center Operations Brent Belding, Manager Customer Service Ronald Harp, Manager Production NAVAIR Brett Anderson, APML, PMA 209 Reginald Clark, Sustainment DAPML, PMA 209 Government / Industry Team
The AN/ARC-210 system provides two-way, secure, jam-resistant, multi-mode voice and data communications via Line of Sight or Satellite Communications over the 30 to 941 MHz frequency range covering both Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) bands The AN/ARC-210 is installed in a wide range of aircraft, helicopters, and ships across all the U.S. military services and foreign militaries NAVSUP WSS awarded a ten-year Firm-Fixed Price (FFP) $53.2M contract to Rockwell Collins in August 2006 Since PBL inception in 2001: Availability > 98.6% Pre-PBL material availability was 70% Over 1,200 Fleet demands satisfied from Feb 2014 to Jan 2015 PBL Overview
Contract: 10 Year PBL Contract : 5-year base, one 5-year option Flight Hour Bands Gain sharing provision for improved reliability Performance Requirements: Supply Response Time Metric – Hi-priority requisitions 85% delivery in 2 days, Low-priority 85% delivery in 5 days Program Scope: Logistics & Inventory Management Depot Repair and Attrition Spares Obsolescence Management Engineering Sustaining Reliability Growth Program Goals: Improve Logistics Response Time Reduce Backorders Increase Reliability: The best repair is the one that you don’t need! PBL Overview
Original 5-year $18.7M firm fixed price contract awarded in 2001 Current $53.2M firm-fixed price contract awarded in 2006 for 10 years 5-year base with one 5-year option Supports 210 airborne and ground based platforms Includes repair of 21 Top Level Units: RT-1556, RT-1747, C-11898, C-12561A, MX & MX-11745, ID-2556 as well as several Chelton Antenna and controls Program Management ILS FSE Reliability Analyst Engineering Product obsolescence PBL Overview
PBL Results Achieved >98.6% availability since PBL inception, >99% for the life of current contract Enhanced mission readiness by 35.4% Backorders reduced to zero (0) Resolved over 600 obsolete components Average reliability increases of over 700 hours MTBF for the following components: CV-4092, AS-3972, and C Documented cost savings in the NAVSUP WSS Business Case Analysis