The test that’s trusted around the world IELTS Information Seminar July 2015
Aim of this section To give those working with IELTS an understanding of: –Background to IELTS; a few facts and figures –What makes IELTS the proven market leader – trusted, fit-for-purpose, high quality, high stakes test with over 2.5m test-takers and 9,000+ recognising organisations globally. –IELTS format, content and scores
What is IELTS? The ‘International English Language Testing System’ Jointly owned by 3 partners: Extensive collective experience in language testing and delivery internationally British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia = delivery Cambridge English = Test production, development, research and analysis
Who are the Partners? British Council connects people worldwide with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK and builds lasting relationships between the UK and other countries. British Council is the UK's international organisation for educational opportunity and cultural relations and is represented in 107 countries worldwide. Cambridge English Language Assessment is the world's leading provider of exams for learners of English. Cambridge exams are recognised by over 13,500 organisations worldwide and taken by over 4 million people each year in 135 countries. IDP: IELTS Australia is a subsidiary of IDP Education, one of the world's leading international education organisations offering student placement in Australia, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. IDP Education has 40 years' experience in international higher education. IELTS Australia Pty Ltd manages a network of more than 100 IELTS test centres in over 45 countries.
What does IELTS do ? ……“assesses the English language ability of people who intend to study or work in countries where English is the language of communication” IELTS is recognised as a secure, valid and reliable indicator of true-to-life ability to communicate in English for education, immigration and professional accreditation uses real-life tasks to reflect real-life language e.g. the 1 to 1 Speaking test
International English A test of international English: – cultural or linguistic bias minimised – texts and tasks are sourced from all over the English speaking world – variety of accents used in Listening Test (N. American, Australian, British, New Zealand etc) – all standard varieties of English are accepted in test takers’ written and spoken responses.
Top UK 10 sending countries in 2014/15 Stephen suggested to say top places candidates taking test Insert where candidates are coming from – Pamela to send figs
Top 6 destination countries
Global Recognition IELTS is accepted by over 9,000 institutions and organisations globally, including 3,000+ in the USA Institutions of further and higher education Professional associations Government immigration authorities Employers
Global recognition IELTS is accepted by over 9,400 institutions and organisations globally, including 3,000+ in the USA Institutes of further and higher education Professional associations Government immigration authorities Employers
and 1 140£ ,000up to 5 9, ,000+ IELTS by Numbers Quiz!
The Numbers behind IELTS
Facts and figures 1 Results released 13 days after test Over 2.5 million tests taken last year Up to 48 Global Test Dates available per year on 3 Saturdays and 1 Thursday every month Tests administered in 140 countries and locations worldwide Costs approx £150 - this differs from country to country
Facts and figures 2 7,000+ examiners Up to 5 Test Report Forms can be sent electronically/paper to receiving organisations Recognised by 9,000+ organisations globally 1,000+ test centres globally 3,000+ Recognising Organisations in US 2 versions – Academic and General Training, or 2 years validity, or 2 UK providers for UKVI purposes
Facts and figures - 1 Over 2.5 million tests taken in 2014/15 There are 2 versions of the IELTS test Up to 48 Global Test Dates available each year IELTS costs around £135 (but this differs by country) Results released 13 days after test Tests available in 140 countries and over 1,000 locations worldwide
There are more than 7,000 IELTS examiners around the world Up to 5 TRFs can be sent electronically/ by paper to organisations requested by the test taker IELTS is recognised by more than 9,400 organisations in over 135 countries Over 3,000 institutions in the USA accept IELTS scores Tests on 3 Saturdays + 1 Thursday each month Facts and Figures - 2
Academic or General Training? Academic: Entry to University / College / professional registration Assesses ability to study or train at undergraduate or postgraduate level English for Academic Purposes General Training: Immigration, vocational, secondary education, language training and work Assesses survival skills in a broad social and work context
Test format: Listening 30 minutes, 4 sections, 40 items General Training Reading 60 minutes, 3 sections, 40 items Academic Reading 60 minutes, 3 sections, 40 items General Training Writing 60 minutes, 2 tasks Academic Writing 60 minutes, 2 tasks Speaking minutes, 3 parts
IELTS 9-Band Scale
2 essential web resources Candidate facing test info, booking, preparation, results Section for native speakers Stakeholder facing lists of Receiving Organisations and their requirements How to become an RO/join the OVS
Key features of Take IELTS website Test taker journey based on research: CHOOSE, BOOK, PREPARE & RESULTS Search over 9,000 receiving organisations by band score Promotional opportunities for ROs accepting IELTS Free practice tests and materials to download Scores explained and assessment criteria Tips from teachers and students for test day & test preparation
Opportunity to recruit internationally Link to Take IELTS from your websites to give potential students additional support Send your logo, photo, promotional text and any updated details to and we can promote your institution at Who accepts IELTS? (See example opposite)
Sign up as a Receiving Organisation
Road to IELTS - online 10 hours free practice for all 20 hours more on registering for IELTS 120 hours available for sale E-book for each skill Advice and tutorial videos Practice zone and tests Institutional version has student monitoring system
What’s on the USB stick (3 +1)?
USB stick – video clips
So, in summary IELTS …. is a paper based test of communicative proficiency in English covers the entire range of proficiency levels in 4 skills scores have a recommended two year validity period provides a quality, valid and reliable assessment is trusted globally as the market leader is a high stakes test with a real-life 1-1 speaking element
IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration New arrangements from April 6 th 2015
What are the changes - 1? Home Office/UK Visas and Immigration Secure English Language Test (SELT) changes in effect from April 5 th 2015 UK = 2 test providers, IELTS and Trinity College London Worldwide = 1 provider, IELTS Partners
What are the changes? - 2 From April 6 th those requiring SELT, including non-EU pre- sessional, must take these tests Transition - any approved tests taken before April 5 th 2015 will be valid until Nov 5 th 2015 SELT testing is run according to the terms and conditions required by UKVI
What has not changed UKVI has confirmed that “these changes do not affect [students applying to study] at degree level or higher at a [UK] Higher Education Institution (HEI). HEIs currently choose their own method of testing students’ English language ability and this will not change”. The Tier 4 student visa rules remain in place The IELTS test remains exactly the same IELTS (non-SELT) and other English language tests remain trusted and accepted by the vast majority of UK HEIs for Tier 4 purposes
Required IELTS tests for UKVI IELTS for UKVI - Academic or General Training covering CEFR B1 to C2 (N.B. All IELTS Test Centres will continue to offer IELTS Academic and General Training for Tier 4 students) IELTS Life Skills A1, in Listening and Speaking only for family of a settled person visa IELTS Life Skills B1, in Listening and Speaking only for Settlement and Citizenship
IELTS for UKVI Visa descriptionCEFR level requiredSkillsIELTS test and score required Tier 4 (General) student visa - below degree level B1 Reading, Writing Speaking, and Listening IELTS overall, and for each of the four skills Tier 4 (General) student visa - degree level and above B2 Reading, Writing Speaking, and Listening IELTS overall, and for each of the four skills Family of a settled person visa A1Speaking and Listening IELTS Life Skills at A1 - Pass Indefinite leave to remain (to settle) or citizenship 2 B1Speaking and Listening IELTS Life Skills at B1 - Pass
IELTS for UKVI locations The number of test locations have been specified by the Home Office/UKVI: UK – 10 centres - London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast, Birmingham and Manchester Worldwide – 114 permanent centres in major hub cities plus additional “pop-up” centres in other countries (NB: IELTS will still be offered at the already existing 1,000+ test centres for non-UK visa purposes.) 5 centres in major visa hub cities plus “pop-up” centres in other countries N.B. IELTS will still be offered at already existing centres for non UK visa purposes.
UKVI test availability Weekly analysis and reporting to UKVI on capacity Initial “pinch points” now being addressed e.g. 2 new centres open by end July in China Looking at increasing capacity in Japan, Germany, Israel, Venezuela and Algeria China centres busy but with good availability UK centres busy but with some availability
IELTS for UKVI conditions Test centres directly managed by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia or IELTS USA (in the US) and results reported to UKVI direct. Test centre staff employed by British Council or IDP: IELTS Australia and monitored and checked by UKVI Video recording at registration and testing rooms incl. speaking Test Report Forms will provide a unique UKVI number and the CEFR equivalent of the overall test score.
New Test Report Forms IELTS Life Skills - A1 and B1 IELTS for UKVI IELTS All now have the CEFR band equivalent of the overall score The 2 for UKVI have a separate UKVI ID-number
Sample of Test Report Forms
CEFR and overall Band scores CEFR Overall Band Score Range C28.5 – C17.0 – B25.5 – B14.0 – Below B10 –
TRFs –key points to remember One personal copy of the Test Report Form (TRF) per candidate Additional copies can be sent directly by post or electronically by test centres to institutions. TRF will be sent by test centre directly managed by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and IELTS USA (centres in the US) Test takers can request this service up to two years after the test Test users can continue to verify all IELTS test results (UKVI and non-UKVI) using the online Verification Service
Pricing The costs involved in delivering the tests service to UKVI are significantly higher than previously. The IELTS for UKVI fee is set globally at £200 plus VAT where applicable £150 plus VAT where applicable for IELTS Life Skills. In most cases the fee is payable in local currency.
Useful Links UK Home Office’s list of Secure English Language Tests (often referred to as SELT tests). applying-for-uk-visa-approved-english-language-tests applying-for-uk-visa-approved-english-language-tests For test takers:
To follow: IELTS Reliability and Validity – Gad Lim, Senior Research and Validation Manager, Cambridge English Language Assessment, UK Setting Standards – Understanding IELTS scores with particular focus on the Speaking Test, presented by Maggie Scott, South Downs College, Eastbourne. IELTS for UKVI – brief overview of the changes by Mike Thornton LUNCH IELTS Security – how IELTS is keeping abreast of security by Nic Humphries, IELTS Auditor, British Council UK. Panel Q and A – plus any follow up