Permit Phase – drivers age 15 Must have parent/legal guardian consent. Must be enrolled in driver’s ed, pass written and vision tests. Nighttime driving restrictions apply. Permit must be held for 9 months. 50 hours of practice, 10 at night. Conviction free for 9 months.
One passenger in front and number of safety belts in back. All occupants under age 19 must wear safety belts. Cell phone use while driving is prohibited under age 19. Permit is valid for 2 years.
Sanctions To apply for court supervision, a driver must appear in court with a parent/legal guardian. Anyone caught driving without a permit is ineligible to obtain a license until their 18 th birthday.
Initial License Phase: drivers age 16 & 17 Subject to curfew hours. Conviction free for 6 months prior to obtaining unrestricted license. All occupants under age 19 must wear safety belts. 1 st twelve months or until driver turns 18, one passenger that is under age 20 and not a family member. Cell phone use is prohibited.
Sanctions Ticket results in a letter being sent to your parents. Any moving violation during the first year results in a 6 month extension of passenger limitations. Two moving violations within 24 month period results in a minimum one month suspension of license.
Suspended drivers must attend a remedial education course, may be retested and pay a $70 reinstatement fee.
Full License Phase: Age years old – still can’t use cell phone. Two tickets in 24 months still results in min. one month suspension.
Anyone under age 18 that is convicted of possession, consumption, or purchase or receipt of alcohol will suffer a one year suspension of license. Truancy: anyone under 18 who is truant (missed 18 days over previous 180) will be refused a license or permit.
Traffic Laws Passenger Safety Laws Speed Limits Right-of-Way Passing Signaling and Turning Special Stops Parking Additional Laws
Passenger Safety Laws Safety Belt Law Safety belts must be worn by all drivers and front seat passengers age 8 and over. (Driver’s responsibility.) 0-16 must wear safety belts regardless of where they are in the vehicle. Drivers under the age of 18 are limited to one passenger in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat, and any passenger under age 19 must wear safety belts regardless of where they are in the vehicle..
Passenger Safety Laws (cont.) Safety Belt Fitting Lap-belt should be worn across the hip bones. The shoulder strap should be as snug as possible and still allow the driver to reach the controls. Wearing the shoulder strap tucked under the arm or back is dangerous and could cause serious injury or death.
Passenger Safety Laws (cont.) Air Bag Safety They provide supplemental protection ” minimum distance between you and the airbag. Same for seatbelt and any obstruction. (dash, steering wheel, etc.)
Passenger Safety Laws (cont.) Child Passenger Protection Act The driver of a vehicle is responsible for the safety of anyone under the age of 16. Children under age 8 must be in an approved child restraint system.
Speed Limits The maximum Speed Limit in Illinois is 65 Rural Interstate Highways – where posted Most other highways – 55 mph LEGAL SPEED LIMITS Rural Areas55 mph City/Town Areas30 mph Alleys15 mph School Zones20 mph
Special Situations Slow down and proceed with caution in construction zones. Move into lanes away from construction workers. Fines are up to $10,000 and suspension up to two years. Scott’s Law – When approaching an emergency vehicle using visual signals, you must yeild and change lanes to avoid the emergency vehicle. If a lane change is not possible, you must reduce speed and proceed with caution.
School crossing zones. 7 am to 4 pm when school is in session the speed limit is 20 mph. $150 fine. An accident resulting in bodily harm results in imprisonment and fines up to $25,000. Funeral processions: yield the right-of-way, do not join, pass, or interrupt.
Right-of-Way Right-of-way laws tell drivers who goes first in different situations. Yield means to give the right-of-way to another person. When police or emergency vehicles are using sirens or flashing lights- The driver must pull to the right-hand edge of the roadway and stop (if necessary). Intersections must not be blocked.
Right-of-Way (cont.) When making a right turn on a red light after a stop. After coming to a complete stop at a stop sign or a flashing red signal. If there is no stop line, stop before the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk or stop line, stop at a place where all approaching traffic may be seen.
Right-of-Way (cont.) When making a left turn on a red light onto a one way street from another one way street when the traffic is moving left. When more than one driver reaches a 4- way stop intersection. The first driver to stop should go first. If more than one vehicle stops at the same time, the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right.
Right-of-Way (cont.) When two vehicles on different roadways reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right. Yield to oncoming traffic when making a left-hand turn. If you enter an intersection while the light is green you may finish the turn even if the light turns red.
Right-of-Way (cont.) Yield Sign When a light turns green at an intersection, you should yield to any vehicles still in the intersection. When emerging from an alley or driveway after coming to a complete stop. To any construction or maintenance vehicle engaged in work. Pg. 24
Pedestrian Right of Way Specific rules are on page 25 of your Rules of the Road book. You are responsible for knowing them. The general rule of thumb is you as a driver should always yield to a pedestrian.
Passing A driver must use caution when passing another vehicle. Do not turn back into the other lane until you can see the car behind you in your rearview mirror. You must return to your lane before you get within 200 ft. of an oncoming vehicle
Passing (Cont.) Passing on a two-lane, two-way roadway is not allowed: In an area marked no passing. On a hill or curve where it is not possible to see oncoming traffic. Within 100 ft. of an intersection or railroad crossing. In any school zone. When a school bus has stopped to load or discharge passengers.
Lane Usage You must drive on the right half of the roadway except: When passing another vehicle. When a blockage makes it necessary. You must first yield to oncoming traffic. When approaching a stationary emergency vehicle.
Interstate Highway You may not drive in the left lane except for the purpose of passing another vehicle, or to avoid a hazard.
Signaling and Turning In a business or residential area you must give a continuous signal for at least 100 ft before turning. In other areas it must be at least 200 ft. Electric turn signals – up=right, down=left
Hand and Arm Signals
Signaling and Turning (Cont.) Give the proper signal. Obey all traffic signs and signals. Yield to pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection. Check for approaching traffic. Turn into the proper lane.
Changing Lanes Always check your blind spots. 4 blind spots in every vehicle. Front left, front right, rear left, rear right. U-turns must not be performed on curves and hills unless you have at least 500 ft of visibility in all directions.
Two-Way Left Turn Lanes
Special Stops School Buses You must stop before meeting a school bus loading or unloading passengers. You do not need to stop when meeting a school bus on a roadway with four or more lanes, but you should drive cautiously. Violation = 3 month suspension of license and $150 fine. 2 nd violation in 5 years = 1 year suspension and $500 fine.
Railroad Crossing You must always stop between 15 and 50ft. From the nearest rail. If the signals are flashing and/or the crossing gate is lowered you must stop. Violation results in $500 fine and 50 hours of community service.
Alleys and Driveways You must stop before exiting driveways or alleyways and you must yield the right-of- way to pedestrians and traffic.
Parking Hill Parking – you must set the parking brake.
Parallel Parking When parking on streets you must park on the right so that the right-hand wheels are parallel to and within 12” of the curb. Vehicle must be parked in the direction traffic is moving.
Prohibited Stopping, Standing, Parking Page 36 Within 15 ft. of a fire hydrant Within 30 ft. of a stop sign, yield sign, or traffic signal. Within 50 ft of a railway crossing.
Additional Laws You may not: Drive on a sidewalk Back up on a controlled access highway Wear a headset while driving Tow a vehicle with another except by a drawbar and safety chains. The distance between vehicles should not exceed 15 ft. Ride in a house trailer while it is moving. Operate a sound system that can be heard from 75ft. away.