Special Education Advisory Committee Presented by: Carol Bushnell, Assistant Director
Purpose The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) of the Arlington Independent School District (AISD) is comprised of parents, school personnel, community representatives and a student. These representatives are persons who are involved with or are interested in special education matters and the welfare of students receiving special education services in our district. The committee serves in an advisory capacity to the school district administration on special education issues, services and supports. It also serves as a liaison between the community and the school district.
History: 2007 – 2008 Director: Karen Hill The purpose of the committee is to review district data and determine needed improvements to services provided to students with disabilities. The committee’s function is to address broad issues which encompass all students with disabilities and impact the entire district. Committee by-laws adopted.
2008 – 2009 Parent liaison/facilitator, Ann Weydeck Topics for the year included: alternate curriculum feeder system least restrictive environment By-laws revised
2008 – 2009 Presenters included: Mr. Jerry McCullough, Superintendent Dr. Marcelo Cavazos, Deputy Superintendent Ms. Marilyn Evans, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Ms. Nona Matthews, Attorney with Walsh, Anderson, Brown, et al.
New director: Debbie Roybal Topics for the year included: Review of district and comparable data State Performance Plan Annual Performance Report
2009 – 2010 continued Top five priorities/areas of concern: Teacher training/competencies Administrator training on specific disabilities ADA access at all schools Accountability for all teachers Modeling of best practices
Interim director/new director: Karen English The committee will address a monthly topic. An in-depth presentation will advise the committee of the status of the topic and then the committee will be asked for input and advice for enhancement. The committee will be asked to consider ways the district can make improvements in meeting the needs of students, parents and teachers related to the topic.
2010 – 2011 continued Topics: Transition planning and what it means for students during their school years. “Time in” for behavior draft website and committee recommendations for improvement. Making progress: Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance. How to involve parents and include parental input.
Impact of recommendations Reviewed and revised alternate curriculum services and supports. Met with district central office administrators to discuss concerns and recommendations; examples include teacher and administrator training, teacher hiring, building accessibility. Added content to department website to provide parents with additional resources for whom to contact.
Impact of recommendations Enhanced parent communication related to transition process. Increased special education department staff awareness of parent needs. Increased parent awareness of special education systems and accountability and of district systems and structures. Facilitated discussions and recognition of participants’ points of view related to a variety of topics and concerns.
Next year Excuse members who have served for 2 consecutive years. Seek new members in August Set meeting dates for 2011 – Review progress on prior recommendations. Identify topics for the new year.
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