BIPOLAR DISORDER A QUILT OF, IPSRT, ASSESSMENT, AND TOOLS Marilee Boe, M.A., L.P.C Psychotherapy to Promote Balance
IPSRT Developed by Ellen Frank Ph.D. and colleagues MERIT award by NIMH Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic at The University of Pittsburg
WHAT IS IPSRT Interpersonal Social Rhythm Therapy Primary goal: prevention of mood episodes Circadian rhythms out of balance Interpersonal problems Prevention tools
4 PHASES OF TREATMENT Initial: history, interpersonal, symptoms, initiate social rhythm metric, education Intermediate: social skills, symptom management, triggers, schedule balance Later: client driven, reinforce balanced rhythms, interpersonal tools, Termination
CLIENT HISTORY Presenting problem(s) Goals…. (why now) Family history of mood, anxiety, substance/Rx, behavior, suicide Health/meds Trauma
CLIENT HISTORY CONT. Religion Adoption Quality of sleep/Hx Relationship with food Financial issues Legal issues
INTERPERSONAL HISTORY Prenatal Parents/siblings School years Friends Spouse(s)/children Work environments
SELF MOOD RANKING -10 ……-5………..0……….+5……… = most depressed/suicidal -5 = moderate depression 0 = normal mood +5 hypo manic +10 extremely manic may be psychotic, happy, agitated, or extremely irritable Marilee Boe, M.A., L.P.C.
- Anxiety Substances OCD TRAU MA DNA Sleep Hyper….. Depression Marilee Boe, MA, LPC C OPYRIGHT ©
Owwwww That hurts!
IDENTIFY PROBLEM AREAS Establish goals Symptom management Medication Skills lacking Relationship deficits
SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES Sixth leading cause of disability worldwide Lost work productivity Increase use of health services Divorce/family dysfunction Legal system
Illustration of Mania
IS IT IN THE DSM? PRETENDING Internal/External locus of control Sugar consumption/carbs Risk taking Attire, make-up, appearance
Social Rhythm Metric Sleep Cycle Social Cycle Life Events Stress Change/loss
SOCIAL RYTHEM METRIC CONT. Work cycles Moves Travel Appetite/food Tools
MAINTAIN BALANCE What to do every day When you feel well Red flags What others see
DIALECTICAL BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Mindfulness Observe Describe Participate Interpersonal Effectiveness
THOUGHT DISTORTIONS NEGATIVE THINKING Catastrophyzing Polarization Global labeling Blaming Emotional reasoning Filtering Mary Ellen Copeland
(IPSRT) "P L E A S E M A S T E R." Treat Physical illness Balance Eating Avoid mood-Altering drugs Balance Sleep Get Exercise Build M A S T E R y PLEASE MASTER
ProsCons ProsCons
Lori Gordon Ph.D
3rd PHASE OF TREATMENT Client driven Successful use of skills More observant Accepting Repair work
4th PHASE OF TREATMENT Termination of treatment Review successes Maintain daily schedule May return later
SOURCES 1 Mcgregor, S. (2007) Substance Abuse and Bipolar Disorder. The Bipolar Child Parent Questionnaire Beck Depression Inventory. content/uploads/2013/07/JB_Assessment-Tools_Depression_07_17_13.pdf content/uploads/2013/07/JB_Assessment-Tools_Depression_07_17_13.pdf 2 15 Moreno C, Laje G, Blanco C, et al. National trends in the outpatient diagnosis and treatment of bi- polar disorder in youth. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007; 64(9): Title: 3) S uicide in bipolar disorder in a national English sample, 1996–2009: frequency, trends and characteristics. Authors: Clements, C. 1 Morriss, R. 2 Jones, S. 3 Peters, S. 4 Roberts, C. 5 Kapur, N. 1 J Clin Psychiatry. 2000;61 Suppl 9: Suicide and bipolar disorder.
5 15 Moreno C, Laje G, Blanco C, et al. National trends in the outpatient diagnosis and treatment of bi- polar disorder in youth. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007; 64(9): See more at: completions-patients-bipolar-disorder#sthash.5lpMRp5H.dpufhttp:// completions-patients-bipolar-disorder#sthash.5lpMRp5H.dpuf 7 May 01, 2007 | Bipolar Disorder, Cultural Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Panic Attacks, Bipolar II Disorder, Mania, Major Depressive Disorder, Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Suicide By Steven C. Dilsaver, MD - See more at: completions-patients-bipolar-disorder#sthash.D4ijrsB6.dpufhttp:// completions-patients-bipolar-disorder#sthash.D4ijrsB6.dpuf
Resources Food and Mood by Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. Cognitive Distortions Childhood Onset Bipolar Disorder
Resources Child Mania Rating Scale Connors Abbreviated Teachers Rating Scale Rating%20Scale.pdf