USI.2A – 7 CONTINENTS North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia / Oceana Antarctica
SOL 1.2a: The student will use maps, globes, photographs, pictures and tables to: locate the 7 continents. *** Europe is considered a continent even though it is not entirely surrounded by water. The land mass is frequently called Eurasia
? ? ? ? ? ?
8 Geographic Regions 1 coastal plain5 Rocky Mts. 2 Appalachian Mts.6 Basin & Ranges 3 Interior Lowlands7 Coastal Range 4 Great Plains8 Canadian Shield
Coastal Range West of the Rocky Mountains Stretches from Canada to California Made up of Rugged Mountains and Fertile Valleys
Coastal Range West of the Rocky Mountains Stretches from Canada to California Made up of Rugged Mountains and Fertile Valleys
Basin and Range West of the Rocky Mountains Varying elevations and isolated mountain ranges Death Valley Death Valley is the lowest point in North America
Basin and Range West of the Rocky Mountains Varying elevations and isolated mountain ranges Death Valley Death Valley is the lowest point in North America
West of the Great Plains East of the Great Basin Rugged Mountains with High Elevations Includes the Continental Divide The Continental Divide determines the directional flow of rivers
West of the Great Plains East of the Great Basin Rugged Mountains with High Elevations Includes the Continental Divide The Continental Divide determines the directional flow of rivers ROCKY MOUNTAINS
West of the Interior Lowlands East of the Rocky Mountains Flatlands that increase in elevation slightly to the west Known for grasslands
GREAT PLAINS West of the Interior Lowlands East of the Rocky Mountains Flatlands that increase in elevation slightly to the west Known for grasslands
? West of the Appalachian Mountains East of the Great Plains Lowlands of rolling flatlands Rivers Broad valleys and Grassy hills
INTERIOR LOWLANDS West of the Appalachian Mountains East of the Great Plains Lowlands of rolling flatlands Rivers Broad valleys and Grassy hills
? Wraps around the southern portions of the Great Lakes and the Hudson Bay Hills worn by erosion Hundreds of glacier carved lakes Some of the oldest rock formations in North America
CANADIAN SHIELD Wraps around the southern portions of the Great Lakes and the Hudson Bay Hills worn by erosion Hundreds of glacier carved lakes Some of the oldest rock formations in North America
? West of the Coastal Plains Range from Canada to western Alabama Oldest mountains in North America Old eroded mountains
APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS West of the Coastal Plains Range from Canada to western Alabama Oldest mountains in North America Old eroded mountains
? Stretches along the Atlantic Ocean Broad lowland with excellent harbors Borders the Gulf of Mexico Long sandy beaches
COASTAL PLAIN Stretches along the Atlantic Ocean Broad lowland with excellent harbors Borders the Gulf of Mexico Long sandy beaches
Major Bodies of Water SOL I.2c
Lets double check Gateway to the West
Lets double check Ohio river Gateway to the West
Lets double check Ohio river River explored by Lewis and Clark
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River River explored by Lewis and Clark
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River River explored by the Spanish (Coronado
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River Colorado River explored by the Spanish (Coronado)
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River Colorado River River forms border with Mexico
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River Colorado River Rio Grande River forms border with Mexico
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River Colorado River Rio Grande Important trade River
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River Colorado River Rio Grande Mississippi river Important trade River
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River Colorado River Rio Grande Mississippi river Forms border With Canada
Lets double check Ohio river Columbia River Colorado River Rio Grande Mississippi river St Lawrence River Forms border With Canada
? Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along the ?
The Great Lakes Cities grew in the Midwest along the Great Lakes.
The _______ Ocean served as the highway for explorers, early settlers, and later immigrants. A. Pacific B. Atlantic C. Arctic D. Indian
The _____River was the gateway to the west. F. Mississippi G. Missouri H. Colorado J. Ohio
Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along the _________. A. Mountains B. Factories C. Great Lakes D. Oregon Trail
The _____________ Rivers were the transportation arteries for farm and industrial products. F. Mississippi & Missouri G. Columbia & Colorado F.Ohio & James G.York & Mississippi
The __________ River was explored by Lewis and Clark. A.Colorado B.Columbia C.York D.Mississippi
What river forms a border between the USA and Mexico? A.Mississippi River B.Missouri River C.Rio Grande River D.Colorado River
What is the name of the inlet that is beside Mexico? A.Pacific Ocean B.Gulf of Mexico C.Mississippi River D.Atlantic Ocean
The Appalachian Mountains are lower than the Rocky Mountains because they are: F. newer G. older H. farther south J. more volcanic
Compared with the Atlantic Coast, the Pacific Coast has: A. Very little flat land along the coast. B. More land at sea level C. Fewer mountain ranges near the coast D. fewer volcanoes
Which landform region covers eastern Virginia? F. Coastal Plain G. Piedmont H. Appalachian Plateau J. Blue Ridge
The largest body of water on Earth is the: A. Atlantic Ocean B. Pacific Ocean C. Indian Ocean D. Arctic Ocean
The Continental Divide is an imaginary line that separates: A. western and eastern rivers B. the Appalachian Mountains from the Rocky Mountains C. rivers that drain into the Atlantic Ocean from those that drain into the Pacific Ocean D. the United States from Canada
What is the central line of longitude called? A. Prime Meridian B. Equator C. Tropic of Cancer D. Tropic of Capricorn
44. Which of these is a line of longitude? F. 10 S G. 50 N H. 100 N J. 30 E
Which river rises in the Rocky Mountains? A. Colorado River B. Hudson River C. Mississippi River J. Ohio River
The equator passes through the center of: A. Africa B. Asia C. Australia J. Europe
Which Europeans were the first to explore the Colorado River? F. The English G. The French H. The Portuguese J. The Spanish
Which of the Great Lakes lies entirely within the United States? A. Lake Erie B. Lake Huron C. Lake Michigan D. Lake Superior
Archeology -ology = the study of -or / er / ist = person who Archeology The study of past cultures Archeologist person who studies past cultures
Archaeologists study human behavior and cultures of the past through the recovery and analysis of artifacts.
_______________is located on the Nottoway River in southeastern Virginia. Evidence that humans lived as early as 18,000 years ago makes it one of the oldest archaeological sites in North America.
Cactus Hill Cactus Hill is located on the Nottoway River in southeastern Virginia. Evidence that humans lived at Cactus Hill as early as 18,000 years ago makes it one of the oldest archaeological sites in North America.
Native Americans USI.3B/C Pueblo, Inuit, Kwakuitl
Warm-up : Map
Inuit Arctic (Canada) Kwakiutl Pueblo Southwest North East Iroquois Lakota (Sioux) Great Plains Pacific Northwest
Native Americans: SOL 3B Inuit Kwakiutl Sioux (Lakota) Pueblo Iroquois Lived in the Arctic (Canada) Environment: Freezing temperatures all year Pacific Northwest Environment: Rainy, mild climate Great Plains of the U.S.A Environment: Dry Grass lands Southwest U.S.A near Mexico Environment: Desert areas with cliffs and mountains Eastern U.S.A. Environment: Woodlands and Forests
Native Americans: SOL 3C Types of resources Natural Resources Human resources Capital resources Natural resources: Things that come directly from nature Human resources: People working to produce goods and services Capital Resources Goods produced and used to make other goods and services The fish American Indians caught, wild animals they hunted, and crops they grew were examples of natural resources. People who fished, made clothing, and hunted animals were examples of human resources. The canoes, bows, and spears American Indians made were examples of capital resources.
lived in Present day Alaska and Canada The Artic has temperatures below freezing for most of the year
Inuit Indians The Inuit lived in Present day Alaska and Canada The Artic has temperatures below freezing for most of the year
Inuit Indians The Inuit had to hunt and fish for their food NO FARMING! They built igloos that they lived in
lived in the Pacific Northwest The environment was mostly rainy and mild (Think! Twilight movies….)
Kwakiutl Indians The Kwakiutl lived in the Pacific Northwest The environment was mostly rainy and mild (Think! Twilight movies….)
Resources Used Canoe’s to travel Pacific Northwest Forest Totem Pole Fishing and hunting for food
Kwakiutl Indians They made their clothing from plants and animals Their homes were built from wood, Plank houses
Where did the LAKOTA Settle?
Location : Great Plains
Natural resource Capital resource Human Resource
Lived in Southwest They farmed and hunted for what they needed Built their homes, called Adobes
Pueblo Indians Lived in Southwest They farmed and hunted for what they needed Built their homes, called Adobes
Pueblo Pueblo Farm land Traditional dress Pueblo Cliff Dwelling Pueblo sun dried brick housing
Where did the Iroquois Settle?
Climate and Geography
Iroquois Indians Longhouse Eastern Woodlands Natural resources Capital resources Human resource