What is corruption? The abuse of public office for private gain Broad categorizations of corruption High level and low level corruption Organized or chaotic corruption
Trade Restrictions and Government Intervention – tariffs and import quotas Partial Industrial policies – subsidies and tax deductions Price controls Multiple exchange rate practices Foreign exchange allocation schemes Government-controlled provision of credit Government Allocation of Oil extraction rights Low- paid civil servants
Reduces economic growth Lowers incentives to invest for both, domestic and foreign entrepreneurs Corruption becomes a secret tax laden with uncertainty Lowers quality of public infrastructure and services Decreases tax revenues Talent is wasted in rent seeking rather than productive activity Distorts composition of government expenditure
Political instability Bureaucratic red tape Weak legislative and judicial system
Why the governments need to get rid of corruption for its high costs? Does poverty breed corruption? Which forms of corruption are worse? What is being done? What more can be done? How should policy effectiveness be assessed over the next decade?