GARBAGE TO GEMS By: Ahmed, Al Jazi, Maha, Sultan 7B
ARTIFACT #1 Artifact NameArt Decoration DescriptionsMade out of paper Small Hole Different Line Lengths Green and brown color There are numbers We Infer That: This item could be art decoration because it looks fancy and has funky colors so it might be an art decoration. This could be used to decorate museums because it looks very neatly done and it looks fascinating.
ARTIFACT # 2 Artifact NameBomb Descriptions White and grey colors Rough Made from cloth Words on it Picture on it Bumpy We Infer That: This item can be a bomb because it’s small and bumpy. This could also be gum because of the shape and how there is something inside also it is flexible just like gum.
ARTIFACT #3 Artifact NameInstrument DescriptionsColorful Made of aluminum Flexible Sharp We Infer That: This could be an instrument because when you slap the long ending it makes sounds that could be entertaining. This could be a classical instrument because its made of aluminum and its an flexible instrument.
ARTIFACT #4 Artifact NameClothes Cleaner Descriptions Smooth Pink Black Top Can Be Pushed Down Liquid Comes Out When Top is Pushed Odd Carvings White Plastic If Pushed Is Easily Bent 19 Cm Liquid Smells Nice 250ml We Infer That: This could be cloth cleaner because the liquid looks clean and looks washable. This could clean cloths because it shows it has been used before many times, that shows it’s a really good cleaner.
ARTIFACT #5 Artifact NameHair Tie: Descriptions Round Can Be Opened Flexible If Put In A Shape It Will Stay In That Shape White Wire Like 22cm If Stretched Can be stretches and turned into any shape Skinny Can be Wrapped around anything small enough We Infer That: This item can be a hair tie because it can be tied around your hair and adjusted to fit perfectly. Also if it is put into a shape it will stay there because of the material it is made out of. Also if you tie your hair with it there will be many ways to create designs with it to make it more attractive.
ARTIFACT #6 Artifact NameWater: Descriptions It has the colors blue, white, black, and red Removable cover Odd Markings/Writing Transparent areas Bumps Smooth on transparent areas Rough on Opaque areas Liquid inside 8cm We Infer That: This could be water because there is a bit left liquid in the plastic bottle This could be water because there is a hole at the top so people can drink from it at the top.
ARTIFACT #7 Artifact NameWhip Descriptions Black Multi colored buttons Grey Writing/Markings Pentagon shaped buttons Circular Buttons Rectangular buttons Knob Wires Handles Bumps on the back Nails screwed in Holes A line going around the object We Infer That: This could be a whip because there is the long thin line that can hit hard so we thought it might be a whip. This could be used for to hit someone or to make sound when you hit it to the floor.
ARTIFACT #8 Artifact NameFortune age teller Descriptions Hollow Holes Different number of holes on each face Cube Each face has a perimeter of four centimeters Has the color red and white It has an equal possibility of landing on each face (1/6 percent chance per face) Six Faces 12 edges 8 vertices We Infer That: This item could be for people to know their age by using this fortune age teller. This could be used for people to use this fortune age teller to find out what age they are by using the dots in it.
ARTIFACT #9 Artifact NameBullet Descriptions Circular Thin Metal Bumpy Weird Markings Lines on the Edge Silver color Picture of boat on sea Palm tree Diameter 2cm We Infer That: This could be a bullet because its small and could fit into a gun. This could be shot from a far distance because the bullet is not heavy so it could be thrown far.
ARTIFACT #10 Artifact NameJewelry Box DescriptionsMetal Cylinder Yellow & Blue color. Diameter 9cm It has a lid that can open. We Infer That: This could be a jewelry box because it can fit much jewelry into the box. This could be used for only very expensive jewelry because it is hard to open so it’s safer.