CHC ++: Coherent Hierarchical Culling Revisited Oliver Mattausch, Jiří Bittner, Michael Wimmer Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms Vienna University of Technology
Oliver Mattausch 1 CHC++: Fast occlusion culling algorithm
Oliver Mattausch 2 Occlusion Culling Render only visible geometry → Output sensitivity Preprocessing vs. Online occlusion culling Preprocessing: Visibility from a region
Oliver Mattausch 3 Online Occlusion Culling Query visibility from view point + No preprocessing + Dynamic Scenes Hardware occlusion queries → # visible pixels Query bounding boxRender geometry Visible?
Oliver Mattausch 4 Naive method: Hierarchical Stop & Wait For each node: Issue query Visible → traverse subtree Invisible → cull subtree Problem: Query latency CPU stalls GPU starvation Cull Render Hierarchical Culling Render
Oliver Mattausch 5 Previous Work Coherent Hierarchical Culling (CHC) [Bittner04] Near Optimal Hierarchical Culling (NOHC) [Guthe06]
Oliver Mattausch 6 CHC While waiting for query result → traverse / render Keep query queue Use coherence, assume node stays (in)visible For previously visible nodes Don‘t wait for query result Issue query Render geometry Use result in next frame Result available?
Oliver Mattausch 7 Problems of CHC Too many queries Not GPU friendly Many state changes Bounding box query (8 vertices per draw call) Can be slower (!) than view frustum culling (VFC) Most houses visible → Bad view point for CHC
Oliver Mattausch 8 Properties of NOHC + Query only if cheaper than rendering + Mostly better than view frustum culling + Close to self-defined optimum - Hardware calibration step - Complex set of rules Possible to beat the defined optimum Can reduce cost of queries Can further reduce # queries
Oliver Mattausch 9 Improved algorithm: CHC ++ Reduction of State changes Queries Wait time Rendered geometry Keeps simplicity of CHC
Oliver Mattausch 10 Building Blocks of CHC ++ Query batching Reduction of state changes Reduction of CPU stalls Multiqueries Reduction of queries Randomization Better distribution of queries Tight bounding volumes Reduction of queries Reduction of rendered geometry
Oliver Mattausch 11 Switch between render / query mode → Need state change (depth write on / off) CHC induces one state change per query Big overhead on modern GPUs! Query Batching: State Changes
Idea: Store query candidates in separate queue Collect n nodes Switch to query mode Query all nodes State change Oliver Mattausch 12 Query Batching: Previously invisible nodes Query Candidate queueQuery queue State change Render mode
Oliver Mattausch 13 Previously visible nodes No dependencies (geometry rendered anyway) Can issue query at any time Handle them in separate queue Issue queries to fill up wait time Very likely no new state change Issue rest of queries in next frame Query Batching: Previously visible nodes
Oliver Mattausch 14 Query Batching: Visualization CHC: ~100 state changes CHC++: 2 state changes (Max. batch size: 50) Each color represents a state change
Oliver Mattausch 15 Node invisible for long time Likely to stay invisible (e.g., car engine block) Cover many nodes with single query Test q invisible nodes by single multiquery Invisible → saved (q – 1) queries Visible → must test individually, wasted one query Multiqueries: Idea
Oliver Mattausch 16 Use history of nodes Estimate probability that node will still be invisible in frame n if it was invisible in frame n - 1 Measurements behave like certain exp() function → sufficient in practice Multiqueries : Minimize #queries Fitted and measured functions
Oliver Mattausch 17 While node batch not empty Add node to multiquery Use cost / benefit model Query size optimal → issue multiquery Multiqueries: Greedy Algorithm Visualization: Each color represents a multiquery
Oliver Mattausch 18 Queues in CHC++ traversal queue v-queue (visible nodes) i-queue (invisible nodes) query queue Multiquery
Oliver Mattausch 19 Test previously visible nodes each frame → queries wasted Assume visible for t frames Frame rate drops every t frames Randomization: Assumed Visibility Q Q Q
Oliver Mattausch 20 When node becomes visible Randomize first invocation between [1.. t] Afterwards, test every t frames Randomization: Idea Q Q Q
Oliver Mattausch 21 + Even distribution over frames + Nodes tested in regular intervals + Very stable for t between Tried sophisticated models But they could not beat the simple randomization! Randomization: Properties
Optimization for bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) For each node → query bounding boxes of children (using single query) Child boxes invisible → Cull node, saved 2 queriesBox visible → Traverse node Oliver Mattausch 22 Tight Bounding Volumes: Idea
Oliver Mattausch 23 Subdivide deeper than actual hierarchy depth → tight bounds also for leaves Better adjusts to shape of objects Tight Bounding Volumes for Leaves Tight bounds shown in red
Oliver Mattausch 24 + Bounds for interiors reduce queries + Bounds for leaves reduce geometry (without overhead of deeper hierarchy) + More boxes per query not relevant for hardware Tight Bounding Volumes: Properties
Oliver Mattausch 25 Results Powerplant (12M triangles) Pompeii (6M triangles)
Oliver Mattausch 26 Results: Powerplant (12M triangles)
Oliver Mattausch 27 Results: Powerplant (12M triangles) CHC + Batching + Randomization + Tight Bounds + Multiqueries
Oliver Mattausch 28 Results: Pompeii (6M triangles)
+ Hierarchical culling algorithm based on CHC + Kept simplicity of CHC + Improved several issues of CHC + Always better than view frustum culling + Up to 2 – 3 times speedup + Better than optimum as defined by NOHC Drawback: several parameters Conclusions Oliver Mattausch 29
Oliver Mattausch 30 Multiqueries: Vienna (1M triangles)
Oliver Mattausch 31 Questions? THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!
Oliver Mattausch 32 Rendering in modern engines Collect visible objects in render queue Sort by materials Render everything at once Rendering single nodes is inefficient (CHC) With batching: Traverse render queue only before switch to query mode Batching: Render engine integration
Future Work (Semi-)automatically find optimal values for parameters Calibrate parameters during representative walkthrough Remove overhead also for difficult view points Oliver Mattausch 33