High performance optical absorber based on a plasmonic metamaterial 岑剡
The structure of the plasmonic metamaterial FIG. 1. Color online a Geometry of the sample studied in this paper. Wx and Wy represent, respectively, the side lengths of rectangular metallic particle along the x and y axis and t represents its thickness. d and h, respectively, denote the thicknesses of the Al2O3 dielectric layer and the gold film. a is the lattice constant. b Top view SEM image of the fabricated optical metamaterial absorber. [1]
Experimental setup FIG. 2. (Color online) Experimental setup for collecting broadband transmission and reflection spectra of samples: (a) normal incidence, (b) oblique incidence. [2]
FIG. 3. Color online (a) The maximum absorption A and correspondingly simulated reflection R and transmission T spectra as functions of the thickness of dielectric layer d with other geometric parameters Wx =Wy=170 nm, t=40 nm, h=50 nm, and a=310 nm. (b) The resonant absorption peak wavelength R corresponding to a as a function of d; (c) absorbance as a function of wavelength and the width of the metallic particle, where Wx=Wy=W, t=40 nm, d=10 nm, h=50 nm, and a=310 nm. [1] A=1−R−T
FIG. 4. Color online Measured a and simulated b absorbance spectra for a sample with Wx=170 nm, Wy=230 nm, t=40 nm, d=10 nm, h=50 nm, and a=310 nm at 20° angle of incidence. [1]
FIG. 5. Color online Absorbance as a function of wavelength and the angle of incidence for different polarization incident radiations, where Wx=170 nm, Wy=230 nm, t=40 nm, d=10 nm, h=50 nm, and a=310 nm. (a)E ⊥ Syz, when the angle of incidence is up to 65°(75°), the maximum absorption remains 90% (73%); (b) H ⊥ Syz, the maximum absorption remains greater than 80% even for the angle of 80°; (c) E ⊥ Sxz, for incident angle to 55° (65°), the maximum absorption is 90% (80%); (d) H ⊥ Sxz, for incident angle 80°, the aximum absorption remains 80%, the center wavelength decreases by 0.12 m. [1] FIG. 6. (Color online) Measured absorption spectra at both polarizations: (a) H ⊥ Sxz, (b) E ⊥ Sxz, (c) H ⊥ Syz, (d) E ⊥ Syz. Numbers 0°– 60°are corresponding to the incident angles. The maximum absorbance for each incident angle is also indicated in (a)–(d). [2]
FIG. 7. (Color online) Absorbance as a function of wavelength and the angle of incidence for the metamaterial absorber with Wx = Wy = 50nm, t =30 nm, d = 12 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm.. (a) TM polarization; (b) TE polarization. [3] FIG. 9. (Color online) Absorbance as a function of wavelength and the angle of incidence for the metamaterial absorber with Wx = Wy = 170nm, t =30 nm, d = 12 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm. : (a) TM polarization; (b) TE polarization. [3] FIG. 8. (Color online) Absorbance as a function of wavelength and the width of the silver particles, where Wx = Wy = W, t = 30 nm, d = 12 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm. [3]
FIG. 10. (Color online) Field distributions and resistive heat for the three modes. (a)–(c) Mode (0) at resonant wavelength 1.48 μm for the normal incident angle. (d)–(f) Mode (1) at resonant wavelength 787 nm for the incident angle of 45◦. (g)–(i) Mode (2) at resonant wavelength 583 nm for the normal incident angle. In the field maps of (a), (d), and (g), the arrows represent electric displacement and the color represents the magnitude of the magnetic field. For (b), (e), and (h), the arrows represent the direction of electric field, and the color denotes the magnitude of the electric field. Panels (c), (f), and (i) depict resistive heat corresponding to each case.
FIG. 11. (Color online) Attenuation as a function of wavelength and the angle of incidence for metamaterial Absorbers with Wx = Wy = 150nm, t =40 nm, d = 120 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm. (a) TM polarization; (b) TE polarization. [3] FIG. 12. (Color online) Electric (E) and magnetic (H) field distributions and resistive heat (q) for the three modes: (a)–(c) at wavelength 595 nm for the normal incident angle; (d)–(f) at wavelength 691 nm for the incident angle of 60◦; (g)–(i) atwavelength 555 nm for the incident angle of 60◦. [3]
FIG. 13. (Color online) (a) The maximum absorption and correspondingly simulated reflection, with transmission spectra for mode (2) as functions of d with W = 170 nm, t = 30 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm.(b) The resonant absorption peak wavelength λR corresponding to (a) as a function of d. (c) The maximum absorption (A) and correspondingly simulated reflection (R), transmission (T) spectra for mode (0) as functions of d with W = 170 nm, t = 30 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm. (d) The resonant absorption peak wavelength λR corresponding to (c) as a function of d. [3] FIG. 14. (Color online) (a) The maximum absorption (A) and correspondingly simulated reflection (R) and transmission (T) spectra for mode (2) as functions of the thickness of silver particles t with W = 170 nm, d = 12 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm. (b) The resonant absorption peak wavelength λR corresponding to (a) as a function of t. (c) The maximum absorption (A) and correspondingly simulated reflection (R) and transmission (T) spectra for mode (0) as functions of the thickness of silver particles t with other geometric parameters W = 170 nm, d = 12 nm, h = 80 nm, and a = 250 nm. (d) The resonant absorption peak wavelength λR corresponding to (c) as a function of t. [3]
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