Caitlin Myers Digital Literacy Specialist Twitter
Twitter is a social networking website that allows you to read and write 140 character passages or tweets. What is Twitter?
Follow celebrities, authors, local businesses, musicians, friends and family. Potentially chat or connect with your favorite celebrity, author, or musician. Get breaking news before it hits your television screen. Stay up to date with those meddling kids! Why Twitter?
A word or phrase used as classification of a topic, preceded by the pound sign. Metadata tag Example : Went to Sweet Mandy B’s and got cupcakes. #cravings #CheatDay #hashtag
Definition directly from sign is used to call out usernames in Tweets: People will use to mention you in Tweets, send you a message or link to your profile. A username is how you're identified on Twitter, and is always preceded immediately by symbol. For instance, Katy
We’re learning #twitter today at Skokie Library. #AlwaysLearning We're learning on a beautiful Friday night. #PartyLikeARockstar Example
@# SteveMartinToGo SkokieLibrary Blackdoggelato Richard Simmons SamuelLJackson Stephen King WhoopieGoldberg Bibliophile Yum SweatinToTheOldies LostInTranslation RitaMaeBrown Scared/Kujo JurassicPark/Dinos
To register for a Twitter account you need: address Go to If you see the signup form, fill out your full name, address, choose a username, and create a password. Once you sign up, you’ll need to confirm your address. It will send you an to confirm your account. Signing Up
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